KGCCI DE: Junior Consultant (Trade and Market Entry Services)
KGCCI DEinternational is looking for a committed Junior Consultant (Trade and Market Entry Services, Team Industry II)
Who We Are
The Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI) has been serving as an official representative of German Business in Korea since its foundation in 1981. It is the second largest foreign chamber of commerce in Korea with a growing network of around 500 members. KGCCI also belongs to the global German Chamber Network (AHK) with 150 German Chamber offices in 93 countries and 50,000 members worldwide. Its umbrella organization is the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) with offices in Berlin and Brussels, serving the 79 Chambers in Germany (IHK) and their 3.6 million German member companies.
As the first point of contact for German and Korean companies exploring business opportunities in each country, KGCCI and its subsidiary KGCCI DEinternational serve as a communication channel and offer professional services to support market entry and expansion. Within DEinternational, Team Industry II specializes in Electronics, Startups, Logistics, F&B, and is looking for a Junior Consultant as outlined below.
Open Position: Junior Consultant (Industry II)
- Category: Fixed term (1-year); contract extension possible upon performance review
- Starting Date: ASAP
Role and main responsibilities
- The Junior Consultant will provide active support for Team Industry II’s service portfolio and projects, including but not limited to:
- Industrial trade fair representations (mainly for Germany)
- In- & outbound business delegations between Korea & Germany
- Market entry & expansion projects, such as business partner search or market research
- B2B events & meetings organization, business data update & management, inquiry response
- The Junior Consultant will work closely with the Team lead and members to ensure the successful execution of projects. Initially, the focus will be on providing operational and administrative support; however, responsibilities may expand based on performance, with opportunities to take a more active role in project management and client interactions.
- Intermediate proficiency in German (B2 level or higher)
- Other language proficiencies: Korean (native or fluent), English (intermediate or above)
- Bachelor’s degree (preferably in business management or related field but not required)
- At least 1 year of work experience (preferably international business related but not required)
- Ease with MS 365, good communication, interpersonal & organizational skills
Application Deadline: Sunday, April 6, 2025
How to apply
- Please submit your application (CV and cover letter in English) by email hr(at)
- Email title: Application for IND2 Junior Consultant_First Name_Last Name
- Please indicate your salary expectations and the earliest possible starting date in your application.
- For inquiries contact hr(at) or 02) 3780-4601.
KGCCI DE: Event & Admin Intern (additional hiring)
KGCCI DEinternational Ltd is looking for another Event & Admin Intern (6-month, extension possible)
Who We Are
The Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI) has been promoting economic relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Korea since its foundation in 1981. With around 500 members from various industries, KGCCI is the second-largest bilateral Chamber in Korea, and our multilingual professionals are engaged in a variety of dynamic projects bridging Korea and Germany. KGCCI is strongly focused on its activities as a membership organization as well as service provider and trade promoter. Moreover, KGCCI is part of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) network, with more than 150 office locations in over 90 countries around the world and is a powerful voice for the German-Korean business community.
Open Position: Event & Admin Intern *
Category: Intern (6-month, contract extension possible upon performance review)
* Event team is hiring another intern, in addition to the position advertised in January (which has been filled recently).
Role and Main Responsibilities
- Support Event team with event organization and administration.
- Support office general administration, including clerical and front desk tasks.
- Support office maintenance (e.g., supplies inventory, vendor management).
- Support KGCCI President & CEO with discharge of duties and schedule management.
- Assist KGCCI management with the creation & updates of various business documents.
- Report to Event Deputy Director / Executive Assistant to the President & CEO.
- Languages: Korean (native), English (business proficient), German (desirable but not required)
- Relevant experience for the position desirable but not required
- Minimum college degree (students may apply if they can work full-time, e.g., on academic leave)
- Good administrative skills, ease with MS 365, including Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel & Word
- Good organizational, communication (verbal, written), and interpersonal skills
- Efficient multi-tasker, detail-oriented, self-motivated, team player
Application Deadline: Sunday, March 16, 2025
How to Apply
- Please submit your application (CV & cover letter in English) by email: hr(at)
- Email title: Application for EventAdminIntern_First Name_Last Name
- This is a 6-month contract position, with the possibility of extension upon performance review.
- Please indicate your earliest possible starting date in your application.
- For inquiries, contact hr(at) or 02) 3780-4659.
Hettich Korea: White Goods Sales Manager (우대사항 추가)
기업 소개
헤티히(Hettich)는138년 업력의 독일에서 가장 오래된 가구 소재 및 부품 제조업체로 세계적인 가구 브랜드와 가전제조사를 주요 고객층으로 보유하고 있는 매출규모 2조원의 글로벌 히든 챔피언입니다. 헤티히 코리아는 헤티히의 한국 현지 법인으로 독일 본사의 경영철학인 ‘가구를 위한 기술’을 근간으로 가구전용 하드웨어 토털 솔루션을 국내 주요 인테리어 및 가구업체, 건설사, 가전제조사 등에 제공, 2003년 설립 이래 지속적인 성장을 일궈왔고 그룹 내 핵심 지사로 자리매김하고 있습니다.
기업 홈페이지:홈
모집 분야 및 직급: White Goods/백색가전 Sales Manager (대리~차장급)
직무 개요
- Provide service to key accounts. Plan and coordinate all customer-related advice, development, marketing activities in order to develop with key customers the sales volume and profitability in line with company goals and plans.
주요 업무
- Achieve annual sales, P&L targets
- Market observation & cultivation
- Preparation and negotiation of project business
- Marketing support
- Customer management
- Quotation and price management
- Delivery management for key accounts
- Supply in & out management
- Reducing collection risk
지원 자격 – 기본 요건 및 우대 사항
- 학력: 대졸 이상
- 경력: 4년 이상
- 우대사항: 백색가전 업계의 주요 기업 또는 유관 업무 경력, 특히 L 사 또는 (외국계) 협력사 근무 경력 / 기계, 금속, 재료 또는 전기전자 공학 전공 / 문서작성, 프리젠테이션, 통계분석, 리서치 능숙 / 영어능력 우수자 / 창원, 부산지역 재택 근무 희망자도 지원가능
근무 요건
- 직급: 대리~차장급
- 근무지: 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로 (성산동) / 창원, 부산 거주시 재택 가능
- 근무시간: 주 5일 9~18시
지원 방법
- 제출서류: 국문 이력서, 영문 이력서, 포트폴리오 각 1부
- 제출처: hr(at) (헤티히 채용대행사인 KGCCI 앞으로 제출해야 함)
- 문의처: 02) 3780-4601, hr(at)
Hettich Korea: Technical Sales Manager
기업 소개
헤티히(Hettich)는138년 업력의 독일에서 가장 오래된 가구 소재 및 부품 제조업체로 세계적인 가구 브랜드와 가전제조사를 주요 고객층으로 보유하고 있는 매출규모 2조원의 글로벌 히든 챔피언입니다. 헤티히 코리아는 헤티히의 한국 현지 법인으로 독일 본사의 경영철학인 ‘가구를 위한 기술’을 근간으로 가구전용 하드웨어 토털 솔루션을 국내 주요 인테리어 및 가구업체, 건설사, 가전제조사 등에 제공, 2003년 설립 이래 지속적인 성장을 일궈왔고 그룹 내 핵심 지사로 자리매김하고 있습니다.
기업 홈페이지:홈
모집 분야 및 직급: Technical Sales Manager (대리~과장급)
직무 개요
Technical expert in Hettich products and local application (construction of furniture). Expert to assist the employees and the customers in all possible Hettich applications.
주요 업무
- Technical expert for the Hettich Team
- Support the customers and advise
- Ensure technical training
- Expert in local furniture construction
- Customers complaint management
- Showrooms and fairs
- Key account management
지원 자격 – 기본 요건 및 우대 사항
- 학력: 대졸 이상
- 경력: 4년 이상
- 우대사항:
- 주요 가구회사, 인테리어사 또는 1군 건설사 경험 등 유관업무 경력
- 문서작성, 프리젠테이션, 통계분석, 리서치 능숙
- 영어능력 우수자
- CAD사용 가능자
- 운전면허 소지자
근무 요건
- 직급: 대리~과장급
- 근무지: 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로 (성산동)
- 근무시간: 주 5일 9~18시
지원 방법
- 제출서류: 국문 이력서, 영문 이력서, 포트폴리오 각 1부
- 제출처: hr(at) (헤티히 채용대행사인 KGCCI 앞으로 제출해야 함)
- 문의처: 02) 3780-4601, hr(at)
Hettich Korea: SCM Assistant Manager
기업 소개
헤티히(Hettich)는138년 업력의 독일에서 가장 오래된 가구 소재 및 부품 제조업체로 세계적인 가구 브랜드와 가전제조사를 주요 고객층으로 보유하고 있는 매출규모 2조원의 글로벌 히든 챔피언입니다. 헤티히 코리아는 헤티히의 한국 현지 법인으로 독일 본사의 경영철학인 ‘가구를 위한 기술’을 근간으로 가구전용 하드웨어 토털 솔루션을 국내 주요 인테리어 및 가구업체, 건설사, 가전제조사 등에 제공, 2003년 설립 이래 지속적인 성장을 일궈왔고 그룹 내 핵심 지사로 자리매김하고 있습니다.
기업 홈페이지:홈
모집 분야 및 직급: SCM Assistant Manager (대리급)
직무 개요
- Primary Role: Ensure customs clearance on time with accuracy of ordered items. (SAP skill is a must.)
- This position requires highly analytical skill of inventory management and ability to communicate with logistics team and sales team in Korea to maintain optimum level of inventories throughout the year.
주요 업무
- Import agent management / Customs clearance
- Internal vendor purchase
- Inventory control
- Vendor sourcing & management
- Material Requirement Plan (MRP) management
- Goods receipt
- Logistics management & sales team support
- Administration of office management tasks
- Monthly end closings
지원 자격 – 기본 요건 및 우대 사항
- 학력: 초대졸 이상
- 경력: 3년 이상
- 우대사항: 물류, 통관 등 유관업무 경력자, SAP 경험자, 엑셀 활용능력 상급자, 영어 우수자
근무 요건
- 직급: 대리급
- 근무지: 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로 (성산동)
- 근무시간: 주 5일 9~18시
지원 방법
- 제출서류: 국문 및 영문이력서 각 1부
- 제출처: hr(at) (헤티히 채용대행사인 KGCCI 앞으로 제출해야 함)
- 문의처: 02) 3780-4601, hr(at)
Swiss / Marketing - Merchant - Saleswoman
Nationalität | Schweiz |
Wunschposition | German/English - Marketing - Merchant - Saleswoman - open |
Arbeitserfahrung | Saleswoman 3.5 years full time 7 months merchant - travel agent Working for Hallyu Korea Suisse - volunteer work |
Ausbildung | EFZ saleswoman Now in apprenticeship to be a travel agent (EFZ) |
Sprachkenntnisse | German native, English C2, Korean A1 |
EDV | Microsoft word, Galileo, SAP, CETS, Microsoft Powerpoint |
German / Barkeeper
Nationalität | Deutsch |
Wunschposition | Deutsch/ Barkeeper |
Arbeitserfahrung | Ich habe 2 Jahre in einem Restaurant gearbeitet als, Kellnerin und zusätzlich hinter der Theke gearbeitet. |
Ausbildung | Ich habe eine Ausbildung als Pflegefachkraft gemacht. Ich habe Sie aber nach 2 Jahren abgebrochen. |
Sprachkenntnisse | Deutsch(Muttersprache) / Italienisch/ englisch / französisch (Grundkenntnisse) |
EDV | . |
German / Sales
Nationalität | German |
Wunschposition | Sales |
Arbeitserfahrung | Sales Manager for over 4 Years. National for 3 years. International for almost 1 year |
Ausbildung | Groß- und Außenhandel. I will start to study Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen at 1.3 (online) and i will start to learning korean. |
Sprachkenntnisse | German , English |
EDV | SAP, Office |
German / Electrical Engineer
Nationalität | German |
Wunschposition | (Electrical-) Engineer |
Arbeitserfahrung | - Internship that required CAD and programming with Siemens NX - 1 1/2 year military service - Working in Retail |
Ausbildung | Bachelor's and Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology with a focus on electrical power engineering. |
Sprachkenntnisse | German (native), English (fluent), French (basic knowledge) |
EDV | Matlab, C++, Visual Basic, LTSpice, PSIM, Siemens NX (CAD), LaTex, MS Word, MS PowerPoint |
German / Kosmetik
Nationalität | Deutsch |
Wunschposition | Kosmetik |
Arbeitserfahrung | 5jahre im Hotel/Spa Bereich für Kosmetik |
Ausbildung | Realschüler Glasbläserin (staatlich geprüft) Kosmetikerin (staatlich geprüft) |
Sprachkenntnisse | Deitsch ,Englisch Serbisch |
EDV | Keine Kenntnise |
German / Finance, Audit, Financial Review
Nationalität | German |
Wunschposition | Finance, Audit, Financial Review |
Arbeitserfahrung | From 09/2021 on, I am working as a Financial project Controller at a Japanese Company. From 11/2016 on, I worked as a student assistant in project controls at a Japanese company Student tutor at university Duisburg Essen , Germany. |
Ausbildung | 2014-2017 Bachelor of Science in business administration 2018-2021 Master of Science in management and economics (English) |
Sprachkenntnisse | German, Turkish, English |
EDV | MS Office, Power Query, Tableau, SAP, Process Mining |
German / Marketing, Sales, Business Development
Nationalität | German |
Wunschposition | Marketing, Sales, Business Development, Consulting, Performance Analytics |
Arbeitserfahrung | I have 1 year and 3 months experience in Marketing, Administration and Program Development through a combination of internship and professional work experience at a high school exchange company in South Africa while I wrote my graduation thesis. Currently, I have almost 1 year and ongoing experience as Agency Account Manager for the DACH Market at a big social media platform in Dublin, Ireland. This role focuses on consultative sales, marketing campaigns, and analysing campaign data for high valued clients. I am currently a top performer in the function and have over-delivered on all targets. |
Ausbildung | Studied International Business in the Netherlands with second language in Mandarin and a Minor in Marketing. Absolved an exchange semester at Keimyung University and volunteered as an English teacher and cultural exchange representative in Daegu. Further completed a Chinese language and culture camp organised by HANBAN. |
Sprachkenntnisse | German (native), English (fluent), Korean (TOPIK II in progress), Chinese (HSK3), Spanish (B2) |
EDV | MS Office tools, Canva, Photoshop, Google suite, Google Data Analytics, Tableau, Salesforce, Excel, PowerPoint, GONG, SPSS; Google, Meta and Pinterest Business Suite and Ads Managers |
German / Kommunikation/Public Affairs/International Relations
Nationalität | Deutsch |
Wunschposition | Praktikum Kommunikation/Public Affairs/International Relations |
Arbeitserfahrung | • Mai 2022 – August 2022: Praktikum bei der EWE AG im Bereich Markt & Politik. • Mai 2024 – November 2024: Praktikum bei McDonald’s Deutschland LLC im Bereich politische Kommunikation. |
Ausbildung | • Bachelor of Arts, Hochschule Bremen, Internationaler Studiengang Politikmanagement, 2018–2022 • Master in International Studies mit Schwerpunkt International Management, ISCTE University of Lisbon, Portugal, seit 2022 • Auslandssemester in Business Administration, University of Seoul, Südkorea, Februar 2024 – Mai 2024 |
Sprachkenntnisse | Deutsch, Englisch, Arabisch |
EDV | Word, PowerPoint, Excel |
German / Application Engineer, Quality Manager
Nationalität | Deutsch |
Wunschposition | Application Engineer, Quality Manager |
Arbeitserfahrung | 2-jährige Berufserfahrung als Editor und Teamleiter bei World & New World Journal Nachrichten, Seoul, Südkorea, 3-jährige Berufserfahrung als Application Engineer (Bereich Dichtungstechnik) bei PSI Products GmbH/Rubber Fab, 3-jährige Berufserfahrung als Einrichter von Spritzgussmaschinen bei der Ensinger GmbH, |
Ausbildung | 2-jährige Weiterbildung zum Techniker, Fachrichtung Maschinentechnik (Maschinenbau) an der Gottlieb-Daimler-Schule 1 in Sindelfingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg. 3-jährige Duale-Ausbildung zum Verfahrensmechaniker (Kunststoff- und Kautschuktechnologe) bei der Ensinger GmbH |
Sprachkenntnisse | Deutsch (Muttersprache), Englisch (B2,C1 Niveau), Koreanisch (Grundkenntnisse) |
EDV | Windows, MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, Sharepoint), Google Workspace (Docs, Sheets, Slides), Canva, GIMP |
German / 식품 및 화장품 산업, 제약 및 화학 산업, 마케팅, 프로젝트 관리
Nationalität | Deutsch |
Wunschposition | 식품 및 화장품 산업, 제약 및 화학 산업, 마케팅, 프로젝트 관리 |
Arbeitserfahrung | 학사생: 부위 지정 돌연변이 유발을 수행하고 유전 패턴을 분석합니다. 석사생: 우식 예방에 대한 실험을 계획하고 수행하고 그 결과를 발표합니다. |
Ausbildung | 학사: 분자 및 응용 식물 과학 석사: 분자 미생물학 |
Sprachkenntnisse | 독일어 (C2), 영어 (C1), 한국어 (B1), 프랑스어 (A2) |
EDV | 운영 체제 및 도구 (Windows, Canva, Zoom, Cisco Webex Meetings), 오피스 도구 (PowerPoint, Keynote, OpenOffice Writer, Word, Pages), 데이터 분석 및 시각화 (OpenOffice Calc, Excel, R Studio, OriginPro), 분자 생물학 도구 및 소프트웨어 (QuantStudio, NCBI BLAST, Geneious Prime, UCSF Chimera, i-control) |
Turkish / Elektroniker
Nationalität | Türkiye |
Wunschposition | Elektroniker |
Arbeitserfahrung | 5 Jahre Elektroniker |
Ausbildung | Elektroniker für Automatisierungstechnik |
Sprachkenntnisse | Deutsch, Türkisch und englisch |
EDV | Ja |
German / HR Assistant
Nationalität | Deutsch |
Wunschposition | HR Assistant, some Office job |
Arbeitserfahrung | ⮚Employment agency with advisory tasks Federal Employment Agency| Leipzig Period: 01.02.2022- present. • Job placement/counseling and integration of employee clients • Advising employer clients, acquiring and filling jobs and apprenticeships, • Support of AG customers (in particular development and maintenance of business relationships with AG customers in accordance with the AG trading programs) ⮚ Business lawyer Project Legal Review for Rethink Legal/ Hays|Frankfurt am Main Period: 10.2021-12.2021 ⮚ Interpreter on a fee basis Ariana Interpreting Agency and RM Translation Rafik &Al Mufti GbR| Leipzig Period: 07.2019/ Current • Oral translation and interpreting for foreign patients and medical staff. • Support and care for foreign patients throughout their stay to ensure that everything runs smoothly. • Assistance with administrative matters, appointments and medical formalities. • Sensitive and empathetic communication with patients and their relatives in order to understand and take into account their needs and concerns. • Coordination with medical professionals and other parties involved to ensure holistic support. ⮚ Employee with expertise in refugee aid Johanniter Umfall-Hilfe e.V,| Leipzig Period: 06. 2019 - 12. 2020 • Advice and information on Refugee Law, Social and employment law. • Cooperation with authorities and institutions (district office, immigration office, lawyers, courts, police, doctors, employers and others) • Translations for medical and official appointments. ⮚ Volunteer interpreter Simultaneous technology in soundproof cabins Die Arche Gemeinde und Missionswerk| Hamburg Period: 09.2017 - 05.2019 ⮚ Cashier BAUHAUS GmbH & Co. KG| Hamburg Period: 05.2017 - 07.2018 ⮚ Saleswoman KIK Non and Food GmbH| Hamburg Period: 09.2016- 04.2017 ⮚ Arrival in Germany/ German course A1 to C1 Period: 02.2015 to 08.2016 ⮚ HR Manager Ministry of Interior and Justice, Venezuela|/ Public Service Period:01.2012- 05.2015 • Personnel planning • Management consulting and cooperation • Recruitment • Personnel management and deployment • Remuneration management • Personnel development • Personnel controlling • Legal advice |
Ausbildung | ⮚ Universidad de los Andes Study program: Criminology Major in Criminology (without degree) 07.2011- 08.2012 Mérida- Venezuela ⮚ Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua Study program: Law Degree: Lawyer 1 0.2005 - 03.2011 Aragua, Venezuela ➢ Ready - Steady - Go! Introduction of German law for foreign lawyers Qualification program of beramí e.V. in cooperation with the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. 01. 2021- 12.2021 |
Sprachkenntnisse | • English: Fluent • German: Fluent • Spanish: Mother tongue |
EDV | Operating systems: Mac, Windows, Linux, SAP |
German / Sales Coordinator/Junior Manager
Nationalität | Deutsch/Polnisch |
Wunschposition | Sales Coordinator/ Junior Manager |
Arbeitserfahrung | Über 6 Jährige Berufserfahrung bei einem globalen japanischen Konzern (Hitachi) im Bereich Sales/Logistic |
Ausbildung | Ausgebildeter Industriekaufmann Allgemeine Hochschulreife |
Sprachkenntnisse | Deutsch, Polnisch, Englisch |
EDV | SAP, Infor, Salesforce, NAAS, diverse mehr |
German / Bauingenieur im Vekehrssektor
Nationalität | Deutsch / 독일 |
Wunschposition | Bauingenieur im Vekehrssektor / 도시공학 엔지니어 |
Arbeitserfahrung | seit 01/2021 - Rheinbahn AG Düsseldorf Projektingenieur für Barrierefreien Haltestellenausbau Projektleitung und Projektsteuerung für die Planung und bauliche Umsetzung für den barrierefreien Ausbau von Stadtbahn- und Straßenbahnhaltestellen (Hoch- und Niederflurbahnsteige), für Ersatzneubauten für geschädigte Haltestellenbauwerke und für Mängelbeseitigung und Sanierung von Ingenieurbauwerken. |
Ausbildung | 2006-2014 - Abitur am Pascal Gymnasium Grevenbroich 2014-2019 - University of Applied Science Aachen Bachelorstudium des Bauingenieurwesens (Vertiefung Verkehrswesen) Abschluss: Bachelor of Engineering 2019-2020 - University of Applied Science Aachen Masterstudium des Bauingenieurwesens (Vertiefung Infrastruktur) Abschluss: Master of Engineering |
Sprachkenntnisse | Deutsch, Englisch (C1), Koreanisch (B1) / 독일어, 영어, 한국어 |
EDV | Mircosoft Office, AutoCAD, EliteCAD, ProVI, PTV Software |
German / Business Development, Project Manager
Nationalität | German |
Wunschposition | Business Development Manager, Project Manager |
Arbeitserfahrung | 06/2021 – present | Senior Business Consultant | P3 Automotive (Germany) IT-Project management: Led workstream to streamline and optimize project management processes by introducing standardized methods for classical, hybrid, and agile teams; improved efficiency by updating the project management handbook; affecting >500 IT-projects Technology: Optimized digital B2B sales services of German car manufacturer, realizing 1,5 million savings/year; reduced manual work during service processes through digital touchpoints and self-services; increasing digital usage and enable cross-selling Engineering & Development: Managed electric vehicle cluster management and E/E cluster coordination within EU/CHN markets for major automotive OEM; ensuring maturity of milestones by software and hardware release planning of vehicle clusters; established & configured stability- and compatibility management 07/2022 – 08/2023 | Senior Technology Consultant | P3 Korea (Seoul) Technology: Managed workstream to transform product portfolio of leading Japanese truck OEM into E2E service portfolio for fleet-, depot- and energy management; conceptualized digital tools to increase revenues; affecting large accounts Battery Manufacturing: Conducted market forecast & value chain analysis to identify target customers for Korean top tier supplier entering western market; obtained market entry strategies through market & competitor analysis of battery production systems and components Business Development: Collaborated with local colleagues to set up a subsidiary in South Korea; managed a team of six persons; identified potential customers in Asia and Pacific; acquired projects by representing P3 brand at trade fairs and events. 01/2021 – 05/2021 | Intern, Strategy Business Consultant | Accenture (Germany, Frankfurt) Technology: Supported the planning, implementation, completion, and follow-up of a global transformation project for cloud systems Aerospace: Implemented a forecast model in the client’s supply chain 07/2020 – 08/2020 | Intern, Digitalization & Data Analytics in Accounting | Ernst & Young (Germany, Frankfurt) Technology: Collaborated in the conception of a new partial solution for data analysis in finance & accounting; Modelled and documented processes and IT structures for automated data analysis solutions of annual financial statements 10/2018 – 09/2019 | Consultant, Audit - Industrial Service Line | PriceWaterhouseCoopers (Germany, Essen) Auditing & Finance: Identified anomalies, weaknesses, and risks in the clients’ annual financial statements. Reviewed annual and group audits in accordance with national and international GAAPs with focus on energy and healthcare industry |
Ausbildung | 07/2024 – 11/2024 | International Project Management Association (IPMA) Certified Project Manager (IPMA Level C) 09/2019 – 07/2021 | M. Sc. Innovation & Business Development | SDU, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark, Odense) Master Thesis: The influence of data analytics on individual decision-making in a turbulent environment 09/2020 – 01/2021 | Exchange in M. Sc. Corp. Financial Management | SKEMA Business School (France, Sophia Antipolis) Ecole Program: Analysis of strategic and operational risks in international corporations. Asset evaluation of cashflows for capital budgeting decisions. 10/2015 – 10/2018 | B. Sc. Business Administration in Finance & Accounting | UDE, University Duisburg-Essen (Germany, Essen) Bachelor Thesis: Capital market valuation of IPOs – empirical analysis of the market-book value gap |
Sprachkenntnisse | German, English, Polish, Korean |
EDV | Java, Python, VBA, SQL, AzureDevOps, MS Office |
German / Projektleiter
Nationalität | Deutsch |
Wunschposition | Projektleiter |
Arbeitserfahrung | Arbeitserfahrung Altindal Group – Projektleiter / Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit September 2024 – heute Verantwortung für die Planung, Durchführung und Abrechnung von Tiefbauprojekten, insbesondere Glasfaserverlegung und Rohrbau. Leitung von Bauprojekten unter Einhaltung strenger Arbeitsschutz- und Sicherheitsrichtlinien. Koordination von Teams, Subunternehmern und Projektpartnern, um Projekte termingerecht und effizient abzuschließen. Überwachung der Einhaltung von Sicherheitsstandards und Durchführung regelmäßiger Sicherheitskontrollen auf Baustellen. Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Arbeitsplänen sowie Berichterstattung an Stakeholder. BASF – Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit 2021 – 2024 Überwachung und Umsetzung von Sicherheitsvorschriften in einem industriellen Umfeld. Erstellung von Gefährdungsbeurteilungen und Implementierung von Präventionsmaßnahmen. Durchführung von Sicherheitsunterweisungen und -schulungen für Mitarbeitende und externe Dienstleister. Zusammenarbeit mit interdisziplinären Teams zur Optimierung von Arbeitsabläufen und zur Minimierung von Sicherheitsrisiken. Dokumentation von Vorfällen und Ableitung von Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung zukünftiger Risiken. |
Ausbildung | Ausbildung Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit Abgeschlossen: 2021 bei BASF Umfangreiche theoretische und praktische Ausbildung bei BASF, einem der weltweit führenden Chemieunternehmen. Schwerpunkt auf den hohen Standards der Industrie- und Anlagensicherheit, speziell in einem chemischen Produktionsumfeld. Fundierte Kenntnisse in der Erstellung von Gefährdungsbeurteilungen, Sicherheitskonzepten und Maßnahmen zur Unfallprävention. Vertiefung in den Bereichen Brandschutz, Explosionsschutz und Gefahrstoffmanagement. Praxisorientierte Schulung in der Überwachung und Einhaltung von Arbeitsschutzvorschriften in komplexen Betriebsabläufen. Mitarbeit an realen Projekten, z. B. Sicherheitsinspektionen und der Einführung neuer Schutzmaßnahmen im Produktionsumfeld. |
Sprachkenntnisse | Deutschl, Türkisch und englisch |
EDV | EDV-Kenntnisse Microsoft Office: Sehr gute Kenntnisse in Word, Excel, PowerPoint zur Erstellung von Berichten, Analysen und Präsentationen. AutoCAD: Fundierte Kenntnisse in der Nutzung von AutoCAD zur Erstellung von technischen Zeichnungen und Planungen, insbesondere im Bereich Tiefbau. Tenado Traffic: Erfahrung mit der Software Tenado Traffic zur Planung und Berechnung von Verkehrs- und Baustellenlogistik, speziell in Bezug auf Sicherheits- und Verkehrsmanagement. Primavera: Sehr gute Kennt |
German / Management Production Mechanic
Nationalität | Deutsch |
Wunschposition | Management Production/ Mechanic |
Arbeitserfahrung | 14 years of experience in production, maintenance, process optimization, and employee training |
Ausbildung | Training as a machine and plant operator, followed by a role as a maintenance technician, shortly thereafter as a process optimizer, and finally transitioning into management (employee training). |
Sprachkenntnisse | English, German |
German / Entry-level or trainee
Nationalität | Deutsch |
Wunschposition | Entry-level or trainee position in marketing, procurement, supply chain management, or related fields |
Arbeitserfahrung | During my internship at a leading German home appliance company, I gained hands-on experience in an international corporate environment. My responsibilities included analyzing market trends, supporting strategic development initiatives, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to optimize processes. This role allowed me to enhance my problem-solving skills, develop a keen understanding of global business operations, and contribute to projects that balanced innovation with practical execution. |
Ausbildung | Bachelor of Science: International Business Management East Asia with focus on Korea (Germany) Completed a study abroad year at a Korean university |
Sprachkenntnisse | German (Native), English (Fluent), Korean (Intermediate) |
EDV | Microsoft, MS Teams, Excel, Powerpoint, Jira, SAP System, Confluence |
German / Internship
Nationalität | german |
Wunschposition | Internship in Economic Fields (Customs, Supply Chain, Export Control) |
Arbeitserfahrung | I have gained valuable professional experience that makes me a strong candidate for an internship at AHK South Korea. During my time at KHS GmbH, I worked in the strategic procurement department, where I developed my analytical and organizational skills by supporting procurement processes and managing contracts with global suppliers. Currently, I work at BorgWarner in customs and trade compliance, where I deepen my understanding of international trade regulations and handle complex global operations. |
Ausbildung | With my academic background in International Business Administration (B.A.), specializing in Global Trade Management, and my hands-on experience in global trade, I am well-prepared to contribute to the dynamic and international environment at AHK South Korea. |
Sprachkenntnisse | German (native), Turkish (native), English (C2), French (B2), Spanisch (B2) |
EDV | Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), SAP for procurement and supply chain processes |