

KGCCI DE: Manager (Trade & Market Entry Services, Industry II)

KGCCI DEinternational is looking for a committed Manager (Trade & Market Entry Services, Industry II).

The Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI) has been promoting economic relations between Germany and Korea since its foundation in 1981. With around 500 members from various industries, KGCCI is the second-largest bilateral Chamber in Korea, and our multilingual professionals are engaged in a variety of dynamic projects bridging Korea and Germany. Moreover, KGCCI is a member of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) network, with more than 150 locations in over 90 countries around the world and is a powerful voice for the German-Korean business community.

KGCCI also provides a comprehensive range of business services through its subsidiary, KGCCI DEinternational Ltd. These include, but are not limited to, trade fair representations, in- and outbound delegation organizations, and market entry services. KGCCI DE’s Industry II Team specializes in Electronics, Logistics, F&B, Consumer Goods & Startups/Innovation, and is looking for a committed Manager as outlined below.

Open Position: Manager (Trade & Market Entry Services, Industry II)

Category: 정규직 (Full-time employment with no end date)

Role and Main Responsibilities

  • Plan and execute bilateral trade delegation missions and trade shows for different business sectors to promote exchange and networking between Korea and Germany.
  • Serve effectively as liaison between business partners in Germany and Korea, conducting business partner search (finding and connecting local partners, B2B matching) to support market entry and expansion.
  • Consult German companies in relation to the Korean market and business culture, including industry trends and competitive landscape.
  • Conduct market research and analysis that provide insights and recommendations on the Korean and German markets.
  • Identify and generate new business opportunities, including leads and referrals, and cultivate relationships with potential clients.
  • Facilitate KGCCI’s office space solutions for companies expanding in Korea.


  • Business proficient in Korean and English. Additional ability in German is an advantage.
  • Bachelor’s degree in international business and trade or related field.
  • At least 3 years of work experience in international trade or business consulting, with a focus on the Korean market.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively liaise with clients, partners, and stakeholders in Korean & English. (Additional fluency in German would be highly desirable but not required.)
  • Excellent project management and international communication skills, with the ability to manage multiple projects and stakeholders.
  • Relevant knowledge of the Korean market and business culture, including an understanding of industry developments, and competitive landscape.
  • Relevant experience in selling services and identifying business opportunities, with a strong customer-oriented mindset.
  • Team player who can work collaboratively with colleagues and clients, while also being able to work independently.
  • Flexibility to travel both domestically and internationally, as needed.

What We Offer 

  • The opportunity to join a global network that actively promotes Korean-German business relations and provides consulting services in a corporate-governmental setting.
  • An international working environment in which your commitment, creativity, independence and team orientation are highly valued.
  • Being part of a team, while having the opportunity to launch your own projects.
  • Flexible work culture and prime office location next to Gwanghwamun landmarks.  

Application Deadline:  Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How to Apply

  • Please submit your application (CV and cover letter in English) to hr(at)
  • Email title: Application for Manager (Industry II)_First Name_Last Name
  • Indicate your salary expectations and the earliest possible starting date in your application.
  • For inquiries, contact hr(at) or 02) 3780-4601.

KGCCI DE: Manager, Ausbildung Team (bis 2. Aug)

KGCCI DEinternational is looking for a committed Manager (Ausbildung Team).

The Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI) has been promoting economic relations between Germany and Korea since its foundation in 1981. With around 500 members from various industries, KGCCI is the second-largest bilateral Chamber in Korea and our multilingual professionals are engaged in a variety of dynamic projects bridging Korea and Germany.

KGCCI serves as a membership organization and voice for the German-Korean business community, while also acting as a service provider and trade promoter. Moreover, KGCCI is a member of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) network, with more than 150 locations in over 90 countries around the world.

One of KGCCI’s signature programs is vocational training (Ausbildung: please refer to our website for more information) in Korea, which is implemented in collaboration with Korean companies based on the German standard models, to educate and train young Koreans into qualified skilled workforce for the companies. The Ausbildung Team is looking for a committed Manager who will strengthen the development of the program.

Open Position: Manager, Ausbildung Team 

Category: Contract (1-year)  

Role and Main Responsibilities

  • Communicate with external and internal stakeholders in vocational training.
  • Monitor strategically the operation of the training programs.
  • Plan and organize trainings and events.
  • Cultivate relationships with potential clients.
  • Explore new opportunities, such as professions and companies, with the aim of expanding dual vocational training to other industries and professions in Korea.
  • Administer and manage the vocational training programs.


  • Languages
    • Korean (native or fluent), English (business proficient), German (desirable but not required)
  • Work experience: Minimum 5 years, preferably in relevant fields, such as HR or training
  • Academic degree: Minimum bachelor’s degree
    • Desirable: pedagogy/education, sociology, media/communication, or related fields
  • Hard skills: Proficiency with Microsoft 365 (minimum Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Word)
  • Soft skills:
    • Communication & interpersonal skills, team player.
    • Project management skills, esp. multi-tasking.
    • Self-reliant, flexible, pro-active, open to challenges.

Application Deadline: Friday, August 2, 2024

How to Apply

  • Please submit your application (English cover letter and CV) by email: hr(at)
  • Email title: Application for Ausbildung Manager_First Name_Last Name
  • Please indicate your salary expectations and the earliest possible starting date in your application.
  • For inquiries, contact 02) 3780-4695.

VDE Global Services Korea: 통번역가 (독-영-한, 3개월)

VDE Global Services Korea/독일전기전자정보기술자협회 한국지사
[3 개월 단기 독일어/영어/한국어 통번역가 구인]

독일전기전자정보기술자협회 (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik, 이하 VDE)는 이 분야에 관련된 모든 기술과 그 응용 분야에서 혁신을 위한 환경을 개선하고, 최고수준의 기술을 장려하며, 기술에 대한 광범위한 대중적 수용을 촉진하기 위해 일합니다. VDE 는 1893 년에 설립되었고, 본사는 프랑크푸르트에 있으며 베를린과 브뤼셀에 지사가 있습니다. VDE 의 큰 목표 중 하나는 전기 산업의 모든 기술 분야의 전문가와 회의 및 대화를 조직하여 대중 및 정치인과의 대화를 유지하는 것입니다. 브이디이글로벌서비스코리아는 VDE Global Services GmbH 소속이며, VDE 시험·인증소의 100% 자회사이며 한국에서는 VDE 전체 조직의 사업을 지원합니다.

[주요 업무]

  • 독일의 전력정책(전력망 지능화 및 전기차 충전기 포함)및 기술 자료 조사, 번역 및 분석 (독어 <=>영어, 영어 <=> 한글)
  • 정부지원과제 업무 지원

[필요 역량]

  • 상기 직무 관련 (독일어,영어, 한국어) 정보 수집,조사 및 요약/분석 지원
  • Word 및 PPT 활용
  • 독일어 전공자 (Writing 및 Speaking 역량 중상 이상) 및 영어 전공자 우대

[근무 조건]

  • 계약기간 : 3 개월
  • 근무 시간: 오전 9 ~오후 6 시
  • 월급여 : 227 만원 (점심식대포함)
  • 근무지: 서울시 강남구 삼성동
  • 3 개월 계약 후, 쌍방의 동의하에 추가 연장할 수도 있음

영문 및 국문으로 작성하신 커버레터와 이력서(CV) 를 아래 담당자에게 보내주시기 바랍니다.
VDE Global Services Korea / jongim.kwon(at) / 02-539-1153 

Botschaft Seoul: Empfangsbereich (Teilzeit)

Die Deutsche Botschaft Seoul sucht zum 01.09.2024 zunächst befristet auf 1 Jahr mit Verlängerungsoption eine Mitarbeiterin / einen Mitarbeiter für den Empfangsbereich -Teilzeit-

Zu den Aufgaben gehören u.a.:

  • Vermittlung von Telefongesprächen
  • allgemeine Auskunftserteilung am Telefon, Empfangsschalter und per E-Mail
  • Bedienung der Sicherheitsschleuse der Botschaft/Koordination mit dem externen Sicherheitspersonal
  • Besuchermanagement
  • Verteilung/Übermittlung von Ein- und Ausgängen: Briefpost, Mailverkehr, Fax
  • Übernahme weiterer einfacher Verwaltungsaufgaben nach Bedarf

Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen sind:

  • gute Deutsch- und Koreanisch- und Englischkenntnisse
  • gutes Auffassungsvermögen, Belastbarkeit und Flexibilität
  • höfliches und bestimmtes Auftreten
  • Teamgeist
  • Bereitschaft zu flexiblen Arbeitszeiten nach dienstlichen Erfordernissen
  • gültige Aufenthalts-und Arbeitserlaubnis für die Republik Korea

Bei der Position handelt es sich um eine Teilzeitstelle (20 Stunden pro Woche). Der Einsatz erfolgt voraussichtlich am Nachmittag. Die Einstellung erfolgt zunächst mit einem bis zum 31.08.2025 befristeten Vertrag mit dreimonatiger Probezeit. Eine Verlängerung bis zum max. 30.06.2027 im Rahmen einer Beurlaubungsvertretung ist grundsätzlich möglich.

Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung in deutscher Sprache mit Lebenslauf, Motivationsschreiben und Nachweisen zur Ausbildung und dem bisherigen beruflichen Werdegang bis zum 26.07.2024 ausschließlich per E-Mail an: vw-s1(at)

Qualifizierte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden Anfang August zu einem mündlichen Auswahlgespräch eingeladen.

Evtl. Rückfragen richten Sie bitte telefonisch (02-748-4114) oder per E-Mail an Frau Lee, Eun-sang (vw-s1(at)

Heinrich Boell Stiftung: Program Officer, Foreign and Security Policy


Heinrich Boell Stiftung - The Green Political Foundation

Bereich (z. B. Vertrieb)

Project Management, Foreign Affairs


Program Officer Foreign and Security Policy




To organize and administer the foreign policy work of the office we are looking to hire a

Program Officer Foreign and Security Policy

Roles include:

• Building a network of partners and stakeholders on foreign policy topics in the region
• Political advisory on foreign policy topics in the Koreas and possibly other countries such as Japan and the wider region of East Asia to the Office Director, other parts of the foundation, Green politicians and other like-minded actors.
• Planning, implementing (incl. budget management and administration) and evaluating projects in the field of foreign policy. This includes projects run by the foundation as well as grants made to third parties.
• Reporting and analysis pertaining to your topics.
• Contact with our HQ and our worldwide offices to shape the foreign policy work of the foundation together.
• High willingness to travel in- and outside Korea.


What you should bring
We are looking for somebody who knows the foreign policy field in Korea and East Asia well!
Possible topics include:

• China and Indo-Pacific Security
• Korea as an ODA donor country
• Japan
• North Korea

You should know the most important players in civil society, research and possibly politics, and if possible, already have a good network. You should have a sharp mind and be able to produce top-notch analysis on the issue. We are looking for somebody who thrives in teams, is willing to support others and believes that we can achieve a better world together. A keen interest in politics is a must, as is a belief in gender equality.
As this job also includes administrative tasks, you should also be willing to handle those.

You should have a fluent command of Korean and English, knowledge of other languages (esp. German or Japanese) is a definitive plus. Your background could be in civil society, journalism, think tanks or politics/government or in whatever you can convince us that it is the best fit. You could be both an analyst or from politics, but would have to be willing to entertain the other side a bit as well. Experience in dealing with governmental donors and an NGO-environment are desirable.
First experience abroad gained through either work, internships or study is highly desirable.

Being in possession of Korean nationality or a standing work permit for Korea (independent of your employer) is a prerequisite for applying! If you are not a Korean citizen, please state your visa status in the email. We apologize that candidates not meeting the minimum requirements in language or visa status cannot be considered!

Kontakt (E-mail)



Please send your CV, a letter introducing yourself and your motivation for the job to kristian.brakel(at) under the subject: ApplicationFSP1+YOURNAME until 31st July 2024.

Interviews for shortlisted candidates are planned to be conducted at the end of August 2024.


Ich willige in die Verarbeitung meiner oben angegebenen Daten für die Bearbeitung des Stellenagebots ein.

Heinrich Boell Stiftung: Communications Officer


Heinrich Boell Stiftung - The Green Political Foundation

Bereich (z. B. Vertrieb)



Communications Officer




To assist with the administration of the office, support the organization of events and act as a personal assistant to the director we are looking for a

Communications Officer

Roles include:

• Developing a communications strategy
• Managing the foundation`s website and social media channels
• Planning, designing and implementing the foundations PR activities
• Supporting partners of the foundation in developing communication strategies around supported projects
• Taking the lead in designing/producing products such as podcasts, posters, video or publications
• Acting as point of contact for media, external vendors and HQ
• Administrating procurement of external services (printing houses, design agencies, illustrators etc.)
• Organizing work-related events


We are looking for somebody who has experience with getting political messages out to the public or specific target groups! Using different formats such as podcasts, video, publications etc. should be something you love to do. You should be creative with social media, but also have experience with websites and website optimization, as well as with layout and graphics! Experience with graphic and video editing software is essential. We are looking for somebody who thrives in teams, is willing to support others and believes that we can achieve a better world together.

You should have a fluent command of Korean and English, knowledge of German and or Japanese is a definitive plus! Believing in gender equality is a must!

Being in possession of Korean nationality or a standing work permit for Korea (independent of your employer) is a prerequisite for applying! If you are not a Korean citizen, please state your visa status in the email. We apologize that candidates not meeting the minimum requirements in language or visa status cannot be considered!

Kontakt (E-mail)



Please send your CV, a letter introducing yourself and your motivation for the job to kristian.brakel(at) under the subject: ApplicationCOMM+YOURNAME until 31st July 2024.

Interviews for shortlisted candidates are planned to be conducted at the end of August 202


Ich willige in die Verarbeitung meiner oben angegebenen Daten für die Bearbeitung des Stellenagebots ein.

Cetotec GmbH: Sales Representative (Korea)

  • 채용 포지션: Local Sales Representative (Korea)
  • 채용 회사: 독일 Cetotec GmbH (
  • 채용 형태: 위촉직(에이전트, 프리랜서) - Representation on commission basis or as authorized dealer
  • 근무 지역: 한국 

회사 소개 

  • Cetotec is active worldwide in process technology for the fermentation industry with a focus on the vinegar and kombucha industry. We supply technically sophisticated, customized bioreactors from laboratory to industrial scale, components, alcohol measurement systems and reliable and safe process control systems. 
  • Cetotec's particular strength in the field of fermentation is not just based on individual products - rather, it lies in offering a complete system: solutions for all process steps are available here from a single source. Profound know-how in microbiology, biotechnology and mechanical engineering as well as years of research and development work form the basis for understanding fermentation processes. Customers benefit from this experience in the optimization of a wide range of processes, both in vinegar and kombucha fermentation. 
  • Founded in 1996, Cetotec quickly made a name for itself as a supplier to the vinegar industry with an extensive product portfolio.

직무 내용

  • More frequent contact with potential customers 
  • Acquisition of new potential customers
  • Translation work during video conferences between Cetotec management and potential customers in Korea
  • Organization and accompaniment of Cetotec management during visits to potential customers in Korea
  • Assisting with the import of Cetotec products, if the end customer in Korea so wishes
  • Supporting Cetotec technicians during machinery installation, if required

영업 대상

  • Companies involved in the production of vinegar and other fermented beverages. 
  • Most of these companies are already known to us by name and have been visited by us in recent years. However, it has been a few years since our last visit.
  • These potential customers should be contacted by the local sales representative.

자격 요건

  • Native Korean
  • Good knowledge of English (verbal, spoken, reading)
  • Portfolio of contacts in the field of vinegar fermentation & fermented beverage industry
  • Knowledge of import and logistics in Korea for the import of Cetotec products or contact with companies that have such knowledge.
  • 우대사항: Technical knowledge in the field of the products Cetotec manufactures (not essential, our representatives receive technical training)

지원 방법

  • 제출서류: 국문 경력기술서 (필수), 영문 레쥬메 (필수), 영문 커버레터 (선택)
  • 제출처: hr(at)
  • 문의처: 02) 3780-4601 / hr(at)

한독상공회의소(KGCCI)는 독일 Cetotec GmbH의 채용을 대행하고 있습니다. 


Irakisch-Deutsch / Egal






Ich habe Arbeitserfahrung mit Zeichen und Berechnungsprogrammen wie: AutoCAD, Revit, MH-Software,DiaLUX, Tenado.

Ausserdem habe ich Planungserfahrung im Bereich Gebäudetechnik ( speziel Elektrotechnik, Brandschutz, Raumlufttechbik)


-Fachabitur mit dem Schwerpunkt Elektrotechnik.

-Aktuell im Studium: Energie und Gebäudetechnik in Köln, Deutschland.


Deutsch, Englisch, Kurdisch, bisschen Arabisch.


AutoCAD, Revit, MH-Software,DiaLUX, Tenado.

German / Kundenservice, Bedienung, Kundenkontakt




Kundenservice, Bedienung, Kundenkontakt


1998 bis 2001 Ausbildung als Bäckerin. Mit Abschluss. Plus 2 Jahre als Gesellin Erfahrung gesammelt.
2003 bis 2005 Metztgereifabrik
2010 bis 2014 Reinigungskraft bei der Nato. Extern
Seit 2016 Kassiererin bei McDonalds


1998 bis 2001 Ausbildung zur Bäckerin


Deutsch, Englisch, die ersten 1000 Wörter in Koreanisch auf der App Duolingo



German / Management, Strategy Consultant




Management / Strategy Consultant


Consultant at one of the leading global consultant firms (July 2023- ongoing)
Project Management (team size of 50+)
Analysis and digitalization of change processes
Preparation and execution of management workshops
Generative AI integration in Unreal Engine
Industries: Automotive, Medical Technology

IT-Consultant (Mar. 2020–Oct. 2020), Working Student
Java Backend Development; Working on a client digitilization project with Java, React and Docker in an agile Scrum environment and with a CI/CD pipeline


M.Sc. Informatics: Games Engineering, TU Munich
B.Sc. Informatics: Games Engineering, TU Munich


German (native), English (C2), Korean (fluent)


Microsoft Office Suite, Jira, Unity, Unreal Enigne, C#, Java, Scrum, SAFe

German / Internship in HR or Controlling




Internship in HR or Controlling (October 2024 to January 2025)


Corporate Student
RIB Software GmbH
September 2021 – September 2024
Dual student with practical experience in human resources, accounting, and controlling.
Responsibilities: Creating a rolling forecast, monitoring a change management strategy.

Honorary Reporter
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea
April 2024 – October 2024
Writing articles and creating video materials to promote and increase awareness of Korea.

Public Diplomacy Assistant
Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Frankfurt a. Main
May 2021 – October 2021
Supporting the consulate in public diplomacy activities, creating social media content and reports on events.

Working Holiday
Republic of Korea
January 2017 – January 2018
Part-time jobs in hospitality and modelling.


Bachelor of Arts BWL - International Business
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart
September 2021 - September 2024
Elective Modules: Finance and International Human Resource Management
Semester Abroad at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia


German (Native), English (C2), Korean (B2), French (B1)


Microsoft Office Programs, Power BI, SAP, Salesforce

Korean / Country Manager, General Manager




Country Manager, General Manager


• Through experience in managing the self-storage business and the global parcel delivery business, managed P&L, established SOP in terms of operation, and conducted customer service management.
• Had various business operation and sales & marketing expertise through more than 20 years of my career.
• Promoted business growth based on marketing experience from both client and agency sides and
continuously collaborated with regional commercial team in creating global best practices, unified messages, and region-specific programs & campaigns.
• Consistently achieved above-target growths (individual and team-based) based on rational leadership and people management experience and built-up strong teamwork with understanding team members and supporting duties throughout interpersonal communication.
• Has familiarity with multinational company culture through work and overseas study experience.
• Has strong communication skills with both external and internal stakeholders from my previous customer handling experience.


Master of Business Administration, University of Stuttgart
Bachelor, Korea University


Native fluency in Korean, Above average fluency in English


Proficient: MS Office, Google Analytics

German / Mechatroniker






TÜV-NORD,Bosch Service




Deutsche, Russische, Basis Englisch


Word, Excel und Powerpoint, Grafik-Software wie Adobe,Windows

German / Entry (International Development / Business Administration / Compliance and Communication)




Entry Level Position (International Development / Business Administration / Compliance and Communication)


KfW Development Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - Junior Advisor Regulatory Compliance / External Communication (full-time)
• Responsible for the collaboration with external agencies, providing logistical and organizational support for all stakeholders
• Acted as an interface function between official local/global authorities and in-house departments to foster effective communication
• Coordinated and performed supervision audits and official meetings with banking authorities, managed inquiries
• Created monthly and quarterly review reports and presentations for the central Management regarding e.g., department audits, current economic forces, including the achievement of KPIs
• Initiated and delivered multiple training sessions and organized different events and workshops for the whole department
• Developed central collaboration spaces (e.g., on SharePoint) and wrote articles for the company intranet to foster employee engagement
• Mentored apprentices and interns within the department

KfW Development Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - Trainee as part of Dual Study Program (full-time)
• Deployment to various departments for 3 to 4 months: HR Strategy & Governance, South Asia country team, Digital Channels & Customer Experience, Central Sustainability Management, External Communication Compliance
• Inter-Company Cross Move to DEG Invest Cologne: Global Transaction Management Change
• Participated in a variety of workshops, e.g., “Agile Working, Design Thinking and Digital Tools”
• Created social media posts and wrote articles for the company homepage; initiated agile working styles; developed and conducted online trainings; organized events and workshops; researched various topics for different target groups; created presentations and handbooks
• Managed schedules and travel arrangements of different supervisors


2022 - present: MA International Development Studies (full-time), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (GSIAS), Seoul, South Korea

2018 - 2021: BA Business Administration, focus: Finance, University of Cooperative Education, Frankfurt, Germany


Korean (Basic, KIIP Level 2); English (Professional working proficiency); German (Native); French (Limited working proficiency)


Proficient in Microsoft Office 365, SAP, Canva, and WordPress; Multiple experiences in video conferencing (Teams, Zoom, and WebEx)


Forward-thinking and ambitious graduate student in "International Development Studies" at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Having completed a dual study program in BA Business Administration in Germany with a dissertation on "The impact of human rights due diligence in global supply chains on companies," I developed an interest in the role of organizations in the global environment. I worked as a Junior Advisor in the Compliance Department of the German development bank KfW, which helped me develop strong communication skills and the ability to successfully work towards tight deadlines. Enthusiastic about developing myself further and curious to learn about different cultures, I moved to Korea, a country that transformed itself into a high-income economy and a global leader in innovation, where I intend to stay and settle down to grow in my career.

German / Pharmaceutical (BD, MSL, Marketing, Sales)


German 독일


제약회사 - BD/MSL/마케팅/판매


03/2018 독일에서 약국 인턴쉽
03/2019 독일에서 병원 인턴쉽
08/2020 경희대 약학대학교 인턴쉽
05-11/2022 프라이부르크에서 약국
11-05/2023 성균관대학교 인턴쉽
06-10/2023 바리스타 립하버 서울
03/2024 - 현재 독일에서 판매 제약 도매업


2010-2016 고등학교
2016-2017 FU 베를린 경제학
2017-2024 FU 베를린 약학대학교


독일어, 영어, 러시아 말, 중급 한국어, 프랑스어 (조금)



German / Media Management, PR, Marketing




Media Management, PR, Marketing


2019 - ongoing: working student activity as a saleswoman at Rewe Schneider

June 2021 - August 2021: internship at the Siegener Open air cinema

July 2019 - October 2019: internship and free collaboration at the local newspaper "Siegener Zeitung"

November 2016: Internship at the local office supplies company "Hee's Bürowelt"


In 2022 I earned my bachelor's degree in media studies at the University of Siegen. I am currently in my fourth semester studying the interdisciplinary master's degree in media and society with a combination of subjects in media studies, business management and media management. On October 31st, 2024 I will submit my master's thesis to earn my degree.


German (mother tongue), English (C1), Spanisch (B1)


Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Wordpress, Canva


Seoul and its culture have been fascinating me for many years now and I would like to settle in this city with the aim of starting in a German-international company after my master's degree. Which is why I started learning Korean on my own and am highly interested in taking formal Korean classes.

German / Internship (preferable in Project management or HR)




Internship (preferable in Project management or HR)


Binderholz Kösching GmbH
• Digitalization of personnel files
• Input of absences into the time recording program
• Assistance with payroll accounting


UNIVERSITY (10/2021 – 2025)
University of Applied Science Ingolstadt, Germany
Global Economics and Business Management (B.A.)
• Specialization: Internationalization and Global Markets
--> Study abroad (09/2023 – 08/2024)
--> Keimyung University in Daegu/South Korea


German (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (good) , Chinese (basic), Korean (basic)


Microsoft office (such as excel, word and powerpoint)


Currently, I am a student at Keimyung University in Daegu. As part of my curriculum, I am required to complete a mandatory internship abroad lasting at least five months. I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of working in Korea and could start the internship in September 2024.

German / Marketing Manager




Marketing Manager


PROJECT EXECUTIVE 02/2024 to Current
Communications Korea, Seoul, South Korea
Spearheaded client development initiatives, fostering strong relationships and driving business growth.
Innovate and execute concept creations for diverse pitches, ensuring alignment with client objectives and market trends.
Craft compelling customer stories and conduct interviews, notably contributing to GE Additive's narrative and brand positioning.
Implement rigorous press monitoring practices to stay abreast of industry developments and opportunities.

JUNIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER 07/2022 to 12/2023
mc Group, Berlin, Germany
Manage a diverse portfolio of clients, including the Egyptian Tourist Board, Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, EFRE Thüringen, AOK Rhineland-Pfalz,, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Germany, Dubai Economy and Tourism, and Morocco Tourism.
Organize press kits, press conferences, and interviews to facilitate effective communication and media relations.
Plan and support events, ensuring smooth execution and delivering exceptional experiences for clients.
Maintain and update client websites, ensuring accurate and engaging content.
Create engaging newsletters and design public information materials to effectively communicate client messages.
Develop storyboards and oversee the production process for video clips related to nutrition.
Provide PR support at client events and assist in organizing various promotional activities.
Establish and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders, facilitating effective communication and collaboration.
Write and publish press releases to promote clients' initiatives and achievements.
Offer political and PR advice to the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Germany, including supervising promotional material creation and conducting press reviews.
Develop marketing strategies to promote Dubai as an investor and financial center.
Identify and engage with relevant stakeholders and influential channels to maximize brand awareness.
Organize press trips and identify additional promotional activities and events to promote Morocco as a desirable tourist destination.

COMMUNICATIONS INTERN 11/2017 to 01/2018
Seoul Tanz Studio, Seoul, South Korea
Greeted incoming visitors and customers professionally and provided friendly, knowledgeable assistance.
Edited letters and written material for correspondence.
Organized and maintained critical communications.

GERMAN LANGUAGE TEACHER 07/2017 to 07/2017
Schülerferiencamp ‘Deutsches Dorf', Seoul, South Korea
Adapted teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students' varying needs and interests.
Modified lessons to accommodate diverse learners, using strategies such as peer-assisted learning and small group work.
Tutored and assisted children individually or in small groups to help master assignments and reinforce learning concepts.
Monitored student progress and adjusted instruction to meet individual needs.
Worked with children of varying age, interest, skill, and developmental levels.
Led groups of children safely through variety of camp activities.
Collaborated with other camp counselors to design fun and enriching learning activities for campers.


Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Bachelor of Arts, Korean Studies, 10/2021
• Study Abroad: Korean Studies - Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea


German, English, Korean


Word, Excel, Power Point

German / Paid Internship




Paid Internship


Data Processing at Hamburg Health Ministry, Germany
Localizer for a Mobile Games Start-Up in Seongnam, South Korea
Telemarketing at Korean Trade-Investment Promotion Agency in Hamburg, Germany


M.A. in Social Sciences (including a year-long study stay at Seoul National University)


German (native), English (fluent), Korean (fluent), French (Advanced Intermediate)


Outlook, Notion, Excel

German / Internship - Graphic/Web Design, Media, Content Creation




Internship - Graphic/Web Design, Media, Content Creation


03/24 - current: Office Assitant at Soonchunhyang University: Graphic design, photo- and videography, video editing
09/21 - 08/23: Student Helper for Design and Social Media at Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences: Graphic design, photo- and videography, image and video editing, helping out with odd tasks
10/20 - 02/21: Customer Service Agent at SNT Deutschland AG: resolving customer complaints via phone calls and emails, and documenting the claims.
09/19 - 03/20: TELF teacher at Yichang Yingjie School: teaching oral English to grades 4-7, organizing special seminars for teachers and high schoolers, recording online classes after the pandemic onset
05/18 - 08/18: Videographer at Heart O'The Hills Camp for Girls, Texas: recording and editing daily videos about life at camp, running daily video classes for 6-16 y.o. girls, creating promotional video material, and organizing live-streams.


09/21 - current: BSc in Applied Computer Science at
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences with a profile in digital media and semesters abroad in Mexico at Tecnológico de Monterrey (08/23 - 12/23) and Korea at Soonchunhyang University (03/24 - current)
09/16 - 07/19: BA(Hons) in Performance and Media at the University of South Wales completed with First Honours and a focus on writing, producing, and editing.
06/16: Abitur (A-levels) at Voltaire Gesamtschule Potsdam completed with 1,0 (A average)


German (native), English (native-level), Korean (intermediate), Spanisch (intermediate), Japanese (beginner), Manderin Chinese (beginner)


Microsoft Office, Libre Office


I am looking for a 12-week full-time internship with a relation to IT or Media to fill a mandatory requirement for my current degree. I would love to find a place that offers the possibility to stay on longer to work on a project for my Bachelor's thesis there.
I am currently taking an intermediate-level Korean course and hope to improve quickly but I am not at a working level proficiency yet.

German / Product Operations, Tech Consulting




Product Operations, Tech Consulting


Product Operations Manager, Meta (New York, NY)
Senior Consultant, Campana & Schott (mid-sized consulting firm, New York)
International Markets Intern, Miles & More (Lufthansa Group, Frankfurt)


M.S. Business Analysis & Strategic Management - University of Manchester | UK
B.A. Liberal Arts - Leuphana University Lüneburg | Germany
Visiting Student, Chinese Business - Shanghai Normal University | China


English (Fluent), German (Fluent), Spanish (Intermediate), French (Beginner)
EDV MS Office Suite, JIRA, Asana, Visio, SharePoint, SQL, Miro, Mural

German / Internship






- Sales Assistant (Galeria Kaufhof): Dec 2018/ Dec 2019
--> holiday work in sales and consulting

- Service employee (Hanskaschber Schweinfurt): Nov 2021 - Feb 2022

- Production Employee (Heidenhain Germany): Aug 2021- Oct 2021
--> metal production worker in shift operation
--> activities in the area of encoder assembly processes

- Production Employee (ZF Group): Juli 2022 - Aug 2022
--> holiday work in the field of mobility technology assembly


I am an undergraduate student at THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt, majoring in the Bachelor's degree program in International Management (Bachelor of Arts). I am currently studying abroad at Inha University in Incheon, at the Department of Business Administration.

The International Management degree program combines solid foundational knowledge with practical experience. The content and structure of the specializations enable students to quickly familiarize themselves with numerous areas of activity in the international business world, including emerging fields. The teaching of technical, methodological, and social skills is integral to the overall concept of this course, which is then applied in various projects, leading to the ability to fulfill a wide range of tasks.


German (native speaker), English (C1), Korean (A2), French (A2)


Microsoft Office programs: Word, Excel, PowerPoint; Social Media: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn 

German / Internship






1. Part-time Employee at Zenjob, Berlin (May 2022 – Present)
- Engaged in various temporary roles, adapting to diverse work environments and responsibilities.
- Developed strong time management and organizational skills through multiple assignments.

2. Junior Manager / Waiter at Bamboo Leaf Restaurant, Berlin (December 2021 - April 2022)
- Managed logistics, procurement of goods, scheduling, and financial operations.
- Oversaw customer service, ensuring high satisfaction and efficient resolution of issues.

3. Au Pair in the United States (November 2019 – November 2021)
- Provided childcare and educational activities, balancing the demands of a full-time caregiving role.
- Cultivated communication and interpersonal skills through daily interactions and problem resolution.

4. Part-time Employee at Immer Grün Franchise, Berlin (July 2018 - 2019)
- Assisted with meal preparation and beverage service, enhancing customer engagement.
- Contributed to inventory management and maintained high standards of cleanliness and organization.


Bachelor of Arts in International Business, 5th Semester
- University of Applied Sciences of Engineering and Economics, Berlin, Germany
- Exchange Semester: Chung Ang University, Seoul, South Korea (4th Semester)


German(Native), English(Fluent), Vietnamese(Fluent), French(Intermediate), Korean(Basic)


Proficient in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Office

Deutsch / Sustainability, Climate Risk, Climate Change, ESG Advisory




Sustainability / Climate Risk / Climate Change / ESG Advisory


| Vice President, Sustainability Office at an American Asset Manager | May 2023 – ongoing

Driving the implementation of sustainability governance structures and advisory across European entities to ensure streamlined integration and regulatory compliance by collaborating with business and control units to embed sustainability into portfolio analysis, due diligence, client inquiries, risk management, reporting and committees.

Working with the European Head to re-define the sustainability strategy, aligning targets and KPIs to measure progress and conduct thorough analysis on related topics such as financed emissions forecasts.

Taking charge of sustainability strategy and governance disclosures according to European Disclosure Standards.

| Associate, Risk Management at an American Investment Bank | Jan 2020 – Dec 2020

Dedicated person to craft compelling storylines for regulatory deliverables on climate risk as well as review and challenge of remediation against local regulatory requirements from the European Central Bank on climate-related and environmental risk.

Preparing case study materials and analysis of energy portfolio related to climate risk integration into due diligence.

Responsible for the annual financial disclosures including climate risk.


| Master of Science in Accounting, University Osnabrück, Germany

| Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University Hamburg, Germany


German (native), English (native), French (Basic conversation), Korean (Beginner)


Excel, PowerPoint, JIRA, Archer Suite

Korean / Civil Engineer, Construction Management


Süd Korea


Civil engineer/ Construction management, (Bauingenieur/Bauleiter)


6 monatiges Baustellenpraktikum


Bauingenieurwesen (Bachelor of Science)


Koreanisch(Muttersprache), Deutsch(verhandlungssicher), Englisch(B2 Niveau)


MS office (Excel,Word,PowerPoint), CAD(microstation)

German / Business Manager




Business Manager


o Leading both the technical and strategic dimensions of marketing, fostering innovation and maintaining the organization's competitive edge.
o Offering comprehensive technical support to clients globally, fostering and sustaining strong customer relationships.
o Management of the worldwide product portfolio for the End Use segment, overseeing Sub End Use categories, including Lubricants, Grease, and Metal Working Fluids; Metal Surface Finishes; Refractory & Foundry and Mold Release.
o Tracking of competitor landscape and capabilities, capacities, and activities (e.g., new developments, new applications, new product launches) and communicate these within the organization with stakeholders.
o Work closely with Sales to develop effective pricing strategies ensuring that the appropriate price premium is applied to capture the full market value of the product.
o Project management for new product / application development with alignment between project portfolio and strategy. Planning and execution of product launches.
o Global revenue responsibility.
o Conducting training sessions for sales teams and global distributors, elevating their product knowledge and enhancing sales capabilities.
o Actively participating in international trade fairs and conferences, effectively representing the company and strengthening its global presence.
o Disciplinary and professional leadership of the application technology laboratory.


Doctoral studies as part of the Sonderforschungsbereich 858 at the Institute for Inorganic and
Analytical Chemistry at the WWU Münster under the supervision of Prof. Dr. F. Ekkehardt
Hahn (final grade: magna cum laude)
o PhD thesis:
“Bimetallic Di(NHC) complexes for the tandem catalysis.”
o Activities:
Synthesis and characterization of metallorganic compounds and analysis with NMR- and Mass spectrometry data sets.
o Research stay abroad:
Research stay at the Universidad Jaume I in Castellón de la Plana under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Eduardo Peris, Spain │ 03/2018 – 06/2018.
Master Program │WWU Münster │10/2013 – 08/2015
Master program in chemistry at the WWU Münster (final grade 1,0).
o Master thesis:
”Polymetallation of NHC Ligands“ (grade: 1,0) at the Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at the WWU Münster under the supervision of Prof. Dr. F. Ekkehardt Hahn.

Bachelor Program │WWU Münster │10/2010 – 09/2013
Bachelor program in chemistry at the WWU Münster (final grade 1,4).
o Bachelor thesis:
”Synthesis of a phosphine functionalized NHC and its coordination chemistry” (grade: 1,3) at the Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at the WWU Münster under the supervision of Prof. Dr. F. Ekkehardt Hahn.


German English


Microsoft Office, SAP

Kasachstan / HR, Übersetzerin




HR, Übersetzerin


In den letzten 5 Jahren habe ich in Vollzeit, Teilzeit und auf Abruf für mehrere internationale Unternehmen als Sprachübersetzerin gearbeitet.
Ich bin kasachische und russische Muttersprachlerin und habe während meiner Schulzeit Englisch und Deutsch gelernt und meine Sprachkenntnisse während meines BA-Studiums in Österreich und Deutschland verbessert. Obwohl ich eine Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Tourismus, Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe absolviert habe, wuchs mein Interesse für Sprachen in den nächsten 5-6 Jahren zu einem Beruf heran, als ich deutschen Muttersprachlern in ihrer Heimat bei der Kommunikation mit ihren kasachischen/russischen Kollegen half, um an einem großen Transformationsprojekt zwischen der staatlichen Eisenbahngesellschaft KTZ und der Deutschen Bahn zu arbeiten. Die Brücke zwischen zwei Gemeinschaften, die durch eine Sprachbarriere getrennt sind, zu sein, schien mir eine gute Sache zu sein, und ich habe es seitdem zu meinem Beruf gemacht.
Während meines Mutterschaftsurlaubes habe ich als freiberufliche Dolmetscherin bei Verhandlungen für Stadler gearbeitet und Konsekutiv- und Simultanübersetzungen für Politiker aus Deutschland geliefert.


bbw Hochschulebbw Hochschule, Bachelor of Arts - BA, Tourismus- und Eventmanagement
Modul University Vienna, Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA, Tourism, Hotel Management and Operations


Englisch (C1), Deutsch (C2), Kasachisch (Muttersprache), Russisch (Muttersprache)


Microsoft Office (Sehr gut),

Deutsch / Praktikant oder als CNC-Fräser/programmierer




Praktikant oder als CNC-Fräser/programmierer


18.07.2013-28.02.2022 Facharbeiter als CNC-Fräser bei der Firma Gerhard Geiger Antriebstechnik

In den 11 Jahren Berufserfahrung bei der gleichen Firma, habe Ich jeden Tag etwas dazu gelernt,
es eingesetzt und mich stetig weiter entwickelt und immer mehr andere Aufgaben dazu
Mein Tätigkeitsgebiet war:
-CAD/CAM Fräsen an mehrachsigen Fräsmaschinen (4-Achs / 5-Achs)
-Selbstständiges Programmieren von Fräsprozeduren an der Anlage und am PC
-Elektroden fräsen und programmieren
-NC-Flachschleifmaschinen einrichten
-konventionelles und zyklengesteuertes Drehen
-Anwenden verschiedener Härteverfahren in der hausinternen Härterei
-verantwortlich für die Werkzeugbeschaffung in der Fräserei
-Einlernen und begleiten von Industriemechaniker-Auszubildenden an der Fräsmaschinen
-selbstständiges abarbeiten von Projekten
-Lesen von Komplexen technischen Zeichnungen
-Fertigen von Bauteilen in der geforderten Toleranzen
-Kollegen innerhalb der Abteilung unterstützen


01.09.2010- 17.07.2013 Ausbildung zum Industriemechaniker bei der Firma Gerhard Geiger
Antriebstechnik GmbH

07.03.2022 - 11.08.2023 Koreanisch Sprachkurs an der Seoul National University (SNU)


Deutsch (Muttersprache), Englisch (Basic), Koreanisch (Basic)


Cimatron 14

German / Quality Engineer, Validation Engineer




Quality Engineer, Validation Engineer or something similar


(01.November. 2023 - Today)
Validation Engineer in the Optical Inspection at Takeda GmbH (Pharma Company) in Germany:

- Planning, documentation, implementation, evaluation and reporting
reporting of process validations (PPQ) within the scope of
visual inspection.
- Creation, processing and maintenance of risk analyses.
- Evaluation of changes and deviations with regard to
the validation impact (PPQ), including the determination of necessary
necessary measures.
- Supporting activities during inspections by authorities,
customers and internal inspections in the area of responsibility.
- Implementation and management of continuous improvement
improvement initiatives to increase the quality and efficiency
efficiency of processes.
- Coordinating projects with internal and external partners
for technology transfers and ensuring the necessary
required qualifications and validations.
- Follow-up of the validation cycle for the area of
area of responsibility.

(01.April.2023 - 31.Oktober.2023)
Quality Engineer at Zimmer Biomet GmbH (Medical Devices/Implants) in Switzerland:

- Creating, processing and closing non-conformance reports
reports (NCRs) through investigation and the determination of
appropriate measures.
- Creating and revising audit plans to increase the efficiency and
efficiency and accuracy of testing procedures.
- Implement and lead continuous improvement
improvement initiatives to increase the quality and efficiency
efficiency of processes.
- Conducting internal audits in production to improve
quality improvement and compliance with standards.
- Creating and processing Product Change Requests (PCRs)
for the effective implementation of changes in a regulated
regulated environment.
- Error analysis and problem solving in close cooperation with
with other departments to improve quality and implement
implement efficient solutions.

(01.March.2022 - 31.March.2023)
Project Specialist/Quality Specialist at Cilag AG (Pharma Company) in Switzerland:

-Ensuring the visual inspection of parenteral dosage forms
dosage forms according to quality-relevant and
economic standards.
- Monitoring of quality, quantity and deadlines (including
- Compliance with GMP, EHS, SOX requirements and guidelines associated with the
associated with the respective function.
- Review performance management; creation of
performance trends from batch data.
- Timely creation, processing, monitoring and closure of non-conformances
of non-conformances (quality investigations).
- Own further training and utilization of the knowledge gained
for the Optical Inspection department.
- Good communication practice (GCP) through OID, TWF, planning and staff meetings.
and staff meetings.
- Creation of work instructions (WIs) and implementation of studies.


Oktober 2017 - August 2021 at Hochschule Furtwangen (in Tuttlingen)

Bachelor of Science - Study Program: Medical technology/engineering


German - C2; Englisch - C1/C2; Turkish - C1


SAP - Basics, MS-Office - Advanced, Creo, Solidworks - Basics, TrackWise - Intermediate

German / Marketing, PR, International Sales




Marketing/PR/int. Sales/etc.


During my apprenticeship, I was able to supervise my own project in the Consumer Marketing department. The launch was successful.
After my apprenticeship, I was able to gain experience in national customer service. Here I managed my own customers.
I was then responsible for the secretary's office of the President of the Administrative Court.
Since my last job change, I am now a specialist controller and responsible for the back office of the Police department.


After receiving the Vocational baccalaureate diploma, I did an apprenticeship as a 'Industrial Management Assistant'. During my apprenticeship, I was able to work in different departments of a company. This makes me multifunctional.


German (native speaker), English (fluent speaking,writing), Korean & Dutch (beginner's level)


MS Office (Expert), SAP (intermediate), Python (beginner's level)

German / Relationship Manager




relationship manager


internship at the Deutsche Bank in the corporate sector

I am currently working as a junior relationship manger at the Deutsche Bank.


bachelors degree in economic science with a focus on political economy


german (c2), english (c1), korean (a2)


microsoft programs (such as excel, word and powerpoint), knowledge in the use of Stata, R-Studio and EViews, Genesys

Deutsch / Controller








Kaufmann für Versicherungen und Finanzen und Bachelor of Science Risk and Insurance an der TH Köln.


Deutsch, Koreanisch und Englisch



German / Intern, Assistant


German, American, Dutch


Intern/Assistant (Working Holiday)


GoodMoovs - Research Intern
SITA - Research Intern
Movares Group - Research Intern
Aaron Media - Freelance Graphic Designer & Media Creator (ongoing)


MSc - Transportation Engineering (Specialized in Public Transportation & Aviation) - TU Delft, The Netherlands

BSc - Industrial Design Engineeting


German, English, Dutch, Basic Korean

