AHK Florist

KGCCI operates AHK Florist Qualification in collaboration with Korea’s leading floral art academies. The AHK Florist Qualification is a “Local dual qualification with elements of the German system” among the quality categories of DIHK, and a certificate from KGCCI is issued upon passing the assessment.

DIHK Quality-category of the AHK-IHK-DIHK networks

  1. A Category: German dual vocational education abroad
  2. B Category: Local dual vocational education and training following the German model
  3. C Category: Local dual qualification with elements of the German system

*All categories are free of judgment and stand on equal footing, and divided to flexibly meet various regional conditions and corporate needs.
*Additional information about DIHK Quality-category(PDF;ENG/KOR)

Participants must possess not only the necessary theories as a florist but also the skills and proficiency applicable to various flower arrangements. Participant can apply for assessment after completing approximately 300 hours of qualification courses at a participating floral art academies

Participating floral art academies

Certificate issuance

Participants must possess not only the necessary theories as a florist but also the skills and proficiency applicable to various flower arrangements. Participant can apply for assessment after completing approximately 300 hours of qualification courses at a participating floral art academies