Data protection

I. Name and Address of the Controller

The controller in the sense of the GDPR and other national data protection laws of the Member States as well as other provisions pertaining to data privacy and protection laws is: 

AHK Korea (Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry & KGCCI DE international Ltd.)   
41-7, Jahamun-ro 24-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03042, Rep. of Korea 
Tel.: +82-2-3780-4600 
E-Mail: info(at) 


II. General Information Regarding Data Processin

1. Scope of processing of personal data 

In principle, KGCCI collects and uses personal data of its users only to the extent it is required to provide a functioning website as well as for its content and services. The processing of personal data of KGCCI’s users is carried out regularly only after consent is given by its users. An exception applies in cases in which a previous obtaining of consent is not possible for actual reasons and where the processing of data is permitted on the basis of statutory provisions. 

2. Legal basis for the processing of personal data 

To the extent that KGCCI obtains consent from the data subject for the processing of personal data, the PIPA and Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR serve as legal basis for the processing of personal data. For the processing of personal data required to execute a contract whose contractual party is the data subject, Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR serves as legal basis. This also applies to processing that is required for the execution of pre-contractual measures. If such processing is required to maintain a legitimate interest of KGCCI or a third party, and if the interests, basic rights and fundamental freedoms of the data subject do not outweigh the former interest, Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR serves as legal basis for such processing. 

3. Data deletion and duration of storage 

Personal data of the data subject will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose for storing such data no longer applies. Storage beyond such a period can be effected if such storage is prescribed by the European or national legislative body in provisions pertaining to European Union law or other provisions the data subject is subject to. Blocking or deletion of data is also effected if a storage period expires that is prescribed by the cited standards, unless there is a requirement for further storage of such data to enter a contract or to execute a contract. 

III. Collection and Use of Personal Information

KGCCI collects and uses personal information of service users in each case as follows: 



Personal information collected 

Legal Basis 

Membership registration (individual) 


Name, email address, job, title, telephone number, language, interests 

Legal basis for the processing of data is Article 6(1)(a) GDPR if the consent of the user is on hand. If the registration serves the execution of a contract whose contractual party is the user, or the execution of pre-contractual measures, the additional legal basis for the processing of data is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. 



Membership registration (corporate) 


Name, email address, job, title, telephone number, language, interests, company name, country/region of company, company address, company website, industry, number of employees at the location of the company, legal form 


LinkedIn account, year of incorporation, head office, address of head office, number of employees of the entire company, domestic production facility, number of employees at the domestic production facility 

Newsletter subscription 


Name, email address 

Legal basis for the processing of data after registration for the newsletter by the user is Article 6(1)(a) GDPR if the consent of the user is on hand. To the extent this pertains to the sending of a newsletter in line with membership to registered data of KGCCI’s database, legal basis is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. 

Participation in events/seminars/webinars 


Name, company name, email address, images or videos taken at the event 

Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR, Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR 


Job, title, telephone number 

Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR, Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR 

Assessor of Ausbildung 


Name, telephone number, date of birth, place of birth 


Trainer of Ausbildung 


Name, telephone number, date of birth, place of birth 


Trainee of Ausbildung 

Required (including sensitive information) 

Name, date of birth, telephone number, emergency contact, email address, address, family information, academic background, scholastic performance, experience, student record, portfolio, scores of certified foreign language tests, licenses, awards, activities in/out of school, volunteer activities, self-introduction and other information submitted in the recruitment process, whether eligible for veterans’ compensation (sensitive), disability (sensitive), whether eligible for employment benefits (sensitive), whether eligible for employment subsidy (sensitive) 


Services (Market Research, Business Partner Search, Trade Fair Representation, Delegations) 


Name, email address, job, title, telephone number, company name, country/region of company, company address, company website, industry 

Legal basis for the processing of data is Article 6(1)(a) GDPR if the consent of the user is on hand. If the registration serves the execution of a contract whose contractual party is the user, or the execution of pre-contractual measures, the additional legal basis for the processing of data is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. 

Contact form and email contact 


Date and time of registration, used browser, operating system, email address 

Legal basis for the processing of data is Article 6(1)(a) GDPR if the consent of the user is on hand. Legal basis for the processing of data transmitted in line with the sending of an email is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. 

If the purpose of the contact via email is the entering into a contract, the additional legal basis for processing is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. 

Provisioning of website and creation of logfiles 


Information regarding the browser type and the version used, operating system of the user, internet service provider of the user, IP address of the user, date and time of access, websites that are accessed by the system of the user via KGCCI’s website 

Legal basis for the temporary storage of data and the logfiles is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. 


IV. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

KGCCI collects and uses personal information of users for the following purposes: 



Membership registration (individual) 

To confirm registration of membership; to confirm intent to register or withdraw membership; to send notices; to provide relevant services; to send event or promotional materials 

Membership registration (corporate) 

Same as above 

Subscription to newsletters 

To send newsletters 

Participation in events/seminars/webinars 

To confirm participation in events/seminars/webinars; to send relevant information 

Assessor of Ausbildung 

To provide information on workshops for assessors of Ausbildung/Berufsbildung and appointment of assessors, etc. 

Trainer of Ausbildung 

To operate training programs 

Trainee of Ausbildung 

To implement recruitment process; to provide information on results of each stage of recruitment process and other information; to form a pool of human resources; to confirm eligibility for employment advantages (sensitive information) 

Contact form and email contact 

The processing of personal data from the input mask only helps KGCCI to process the contact that was established and the communication that was sent by the user. If contact is established via email, KGCCI’s required legitimate interest is also in the processing of such data. Other personal data processed during the sending process only serves to prevent misuse of the contact form and to ensure the security of KGCCI’s information technology systems. 

Provisioning of website and creation of logfiles 

The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to facilitate delivery of the website to the computer of the user. To do so, the IP address of the user must remain stored for the duration of the session. Storing of logfiles is effected to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, such data helps KGCCI to optimize the website and to ensure the security of KGCCI’s information technology systems. An analysis of such data for marketing purposes will not be carried out in this context. 

Services (Market Research, Business Partner Search, Trade Fair Representation, Delegations) 

To provide services to companies and organizations the collection of personal data is required to communicate with clients, business partners and other relevant stakeholders in projects such as a market research, partner search, organization of a delegation trip, participation in a trade fair etc.  


V. Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information


Period of retention and use 

Option for objection and removal 

Membership registration (individual) 

Until the end of membership. This is the case for data collected during the registration process for the execution of a contract or for the execution of pre-contractual measures if such data is no longer required for the execution of the contract. Even after having entered into a contract, the requirement to store personal data of the contractual partner may remain in existence to fulfill contractual or statutory requirements. 

The user has the option to cancel his registration at any time. His stored personal data can be amended at any time. To amend or delete his data, the user shall contact 

If the data is required for the execution of a contract or the execution of pre-contractual measures, a premature deletion of such data is only possible to the extent that contractual or statutory requirements do not preclude deletion. 

Membership registration (corporate) 

Same as above 

Participation in events/seminars/webinars 

Until achievement of the purposes 

Subscription to newsletters 

Until suspension of subscription to newsletters is requested 

A newsletter subscription may be cancelled by the respective user at any time. A special link is provided in every newsletter for this purpose. Alternatively, the user may send an email to 

Assessor of Ausbildung 

5 years 

The user has the option to revoke his consent for the processing of personal data. If the user contacts KGCCI via email, he may object at any time to the storing of his personal data.  

If the data is required for the execution of a contract or the execution of pre-contractual measures, a premature deletion of such data is only possible to the extent that contractual or statutory requirements do not preclude deletion. 

Trainer of Ausbildung 

As required for operation of training programs 

Trainee of Ausbildung 

Not selected trainees (rejected applicants): 1 month from notification of the results of recruitment process 

Selected trainees: 5 years from notification of the results of recruitment process 

Services (Market Research, Business Partner Search, Trade Fair Representation, Delegations) 

5 years after the project has been completed 

Contact form and email contact 

Data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to fulfill the purpose of its collection. This is the case for personal data from the input mask of the contact form and for data sent via email if the respective conversation with the user is finished. The conversation is finished if it can be deduced from the circumstances that the respective matter is clarified in a concluding fashion. The user’s personal data will be deleted in accordance with KGCCI’s data retention rules and/or legal obligations. 

The user has the option to revoke his consent for the processing of personal data. If the user contacts KGCCI via email, he may object at any time to the storing of his personal data. In such a case, the conversation cannot be continued. The user may send his revocation of consent and objection to storage in writing via email to All personal data stored in the process of establishing contact will be deleted in such a case. 

Provisioning of website and creation of logfiles 

Data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to fulfill the purpose of its collection. In the event of collection of data for the provisioning of the website this is the case whenever the respective session ends. In the event of storing of data in log-files this is after seven days the case at the latest. Storage to exceed such a period is not possible. In such a case, the IP addresses of the users are deleted or redacted so that an allocation of the accessing client is no longer possible. 

Collection of data for the provisioning of the website and storing of data in logfiles is required for the operation of the web page. Consequently, the user has no possibility to object. 



VI. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

  1.  Forwarding of personal data to third parties: Ausbildung/Vocation Training  



Purpose of use by the recipient 

Type of information to be provided 

Period of retention and use 

Trainee of Ausbildung 

Daimler Truck AG, MAN Truck & Bus Korea, Mercedes-Benz Korea, BMW Korea, Porsche Korea Ltd., Volkswagen Group Korea, KGCCI DE International Ltd.  

(limited to selected brands) 


Management of applications for Ausbildung programs and support for dealers’ employment of trainees 

Name, date of birth, telephone number, emergency contact, email address, address, family information, academic background, scholastic performance, experience, student record, portfolio, scores of certified foreign language tests, licenses, awards, activities in/out of school, volunteer activities, self-introduction and other information submitted in the recruitment process, 

1 month from notification of the results of recruitment process 


2. Forwarding of personal data to third parties: website operator, social media 

a) Website operators 

In line with processing, personal data is forwarded to the agency commissioned to run the website as well as to the technical service provider. Such is regulated via a corresponding agreement with the service provider. 

b) Social media sharing button 

General notice: Social media plugins usually lead to the fact that every visitor to a website is immediately captured by such services by means of his IP address and that his subsequent browser behavior is logged. This can also occur if the user does not press the button. To prevent this, KGCCI uses the Shariff method. Here, its social media buttons only establish direct contact between the social network and the user only if the user clicks on the respective sharing button. If the user has already logged in with a social network, this is done without an extra window for Facebook. X displays a pop-up window in which the text of the tweet can still be edited. This way, the user may publish KGCCI’s content in social networks without such networks being able to compile complete surfing profiles. 


KGCCI’s website uses plugins of the social network Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. By using the Shariff method, Facebook only gains knowledge of the user’s IP address and the user’s visit to KGCCI’s website if he clicks the button. If the user uses the plugin while being logged in on Facebook, Facebook is able to allocate the user’s use to his user account. 

KGCCI has no knowledge of any subsequent potential collection and use of the user’s data by Facebook and has no influence on such. More information can be found in the data privacy statement of Facebook at Regarding the general handling with and the disabling of cookies, KGCCI also always refers to its general description in this data privacy statement. 

KGCCI’s website uses plugins of the social network X Corp., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. By using the Shariff method, X only gains knowledge of the user’s IP address and his visit to KGCCI’s website if he clicks the button. 

KGCCI has no knowledge of any subsequent potential collection and use of the user’s data by X and has no influence on such. More information can be found in the data privacy statement of X at Regarding the general handling with and the disabling of cookies, KGCCI also always refers to its general description in this data privacy statement. 


KGCCI’s website uses the Xing share plugin of the social network Xing, XING AG, Dammtorstraße 30, 20354 Hamburg, Germany. By clicking the button, the user’s browser connects to Xing to carry out the functions of the plugin. In this context, no personal data is stored by Xing, and the user’s use is also not recorded via a cookie. More information can be found in the data privacy statement of Xing at Regarding the general handling with and the disabling of cookies, KGCCI also always refers to its general description in this data privacy statement. 


KGCCI’s website uses the LinkedIn share plugin of the social network LinkedIn, LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. By clicking the button, the user’s browser connects to LinkedIn to carry out the functions of the plugin. In this context, no personal data is stored by LinkedIn, and the user’s use is also not recorded via a cookie. More information can be found in the data privacy statement of LinkedIn at Regarding the general handling with and the disabling of cookies, KGCCI also always refers to its general description in this data privacy statement. 


c) YouTube videos 

In some instances, KGCCI has embedded YouTube videos on KGCCI’s website that are stored on the servers of the provider YouTube and that are playable by KGCCI’s website via such embedding. Embedding of the videos is carried out with the activated option for advanced data privacy settings. If the user plays these videos, YouTube cookies and DoubleClick cookies are stored on his computer, and data is potentially transmitted to Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, as the operator of YouTube. 

When playing videos stored by YouTube, according to current information, at the very minimum the following data is transmitted to Google Inc. as operator of YouTube and operator of the DoubleClick network: IP address and cookie ID, the specific address of KGCCI’s accessed page, system date and time of access, the user’s browser ID. Transmission of such data is carried out independent of whether the user has a Google user account via which he is logged in or he does not have a user account. If he is logged in, such data is potentially directly allocated to his account by Google. If he does not want such allocation to his profile, he has to log out prior to activating the playback button for the video. 

YouTube or Google Inc. store such data as usage profiles and, if applicable, use such for purposes of marketing, market research and/or for the demand-driven design of their websites. Such an analysis is carried out in particular (also for users who are not logged in) to provide demand-driven advertising and to inform other users about the user’s activities on KGCCI’s website. The user has the right to object to the creation of such usage profiles; to exercise his right, the user will have to contact Google as the operator of YouTube. 

d) Website Analysis with Piwik PRO 

KGCCI uses Piwik PRO Analytics Suite as its website/app analytics software and consent management tool. KGCCI collects data about website visitors based on cookies. The collected information may include a visitor’s IP address, operating system, browser ID, browsing activity and other information. See the scope of data collected by Piwik PRO

KGCCI calculates metrics like bounce rate, page views, sessions and the like to understand how its website/app is used. KGCCI may also create visitors’ profiles based on browsing history to analyze visitor behavior, show personalized content and run online campaigns. 

KGCCI hosts its solution on Microsoft Azure in Germany, and the data is stored for 25 months. 

The purpose of data processing: analytics and conversion tracking based on consent. Legal basis: Art. 6 (1)(a) GDPR. 

Piwik PRO does not send the data about the user to any other sub-processors or third parties and does not use it for its own purposes. For more, read Piwik PRO’s privacy policy


VII. Outsourcing of Data Processing

  1. Outsourcing of data processing: website 



Details of outsourced works 

Website (backend) 

coding. powerful. systems. CPS GmbH,  

DIHK Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer 

To maintain a functioning website tool, the Outsourcee provides technical support (hosting, maintenance, and 2nd level support).  

2. Customer-Relationship-Management-System 

When contacting KGCCI by e-mail or registering with KGCCI, the user's details for processing the contact request and are processed in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit b DSGVO. User information can be stored in KGCCI’s customer relationship management system ("CRM system"). 

KGCCI currently uses the CRM system "Glue Up" of the provider Eventbank Software Pte. Ltd. (9 Battery Road, 27-107, 049910 Singapore) based on KGCCI’s legitimate interest (efficient and fast processing of user requests). For this purpose, KGCCI has concluded an order data processing agreement with Glue Up with so-called standard contract clauses in which Glue Up undertakes to process user data only in accordance with KGCCI’s instructions and to comply with the EU data protection level. 

VIII. Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information


Type of information to be transferred 

Country, time and place, and method of transfer 

Purpose of use and period of retention of the recipient 

Recipient organization 

Assessor of Ausbildung 


Name, telephone number, date of birth, place of birth 

Germany; transmitted via network from the date of consent 

Training and authentication related to Ausbildung /Berufsbildung 


IHK Munich,  

Mr. Doerr Vedco (Trainer) 

Trainer of Ausbildung 

Name, telephone number, date of birth, place of birth 

Germany; transmitted via network from the date of consent 

Training and presentation of qualifications related to job training 


IHK Munich,  

Mr. Doerr Vedco (Trainer) 


IX. Installation, Operation and Denial of Automatic Collection Tool for Personal Information / Use of Cookies

  1. Use of cookies 

KGCCI uses cookies that save and retrieve usage information in order to provide personalized services to users.  

Cookies are small text files sent to the user’s browser by the server used to operate a company’s website and are sometimes saved in the hard disk of the user’s computer.  

Purpose of cookies: Tracking of the user’s web browsing, optimization of use of website services 

Settings, etc. of cookies

a) Cookie settings 

Click “Internet Option” under “Tools” menu and click “Privacy” tab.  

Use “Settings” to choose the level of allowing cookies that best suits your personal needs.  

b) View received cookies 

Click “Internet Option” under “Tools” menu.  

Click “General” tab and “Settings” under “Browsing History”. The user can see the cookies in “View Files”. 

c) Refusal of cookie settings 

Click “Internet Option” under “Tools” menu and click “Privacy” tab.   

Place the sliding bar up to “Block All Cookies” under “Settings”.  

2. Description and scope of data processing 

KGCCI uses cookies to make its website more user-friendly. Some elements of KGCCI’s web page require that the accessing browser can also be identified when the user moves from one page to the next. No personal data is collected in the process. 

To do so, the following files are stored and transmitted in the cookies: 

fonts = standard cookie variable used by KGCCI to reload the fonts in the browser after a page refresh. 

fullcss = standard cookie variable used by KGCCI to reload the CSS file in the browser after a page refresh. 

Maximum cookie lifetime: 730 days 

3. Legal basis for the processing of data 

Legal basis for the processing of personal data while using technically required cookies is Section 6 Subsection 1 lit. f GDPR.  

4. Purpose of data processing 

The purpose of using technically required cookies is the simplification of use of websites for the users. Some functions or KGCCI’s web page cannot be provided without the use of cookies. For such it is necessary that the browser is also recognized when the user moves from one page to the next. 

KGCCI needs cookies for the following applications: 

(1) fonts = standard cookie variable used by KGCCI to reload the fonts in the browser after a page refresh. 

(2) fullcss = standard cookie variable used by KGCCI to reload the CSS file in the browser after a page refresh. 

Maximum cookie lifetime: 730 days 

User data collected via technically required cookies is not used to create user profiles. 

5. Duration of storage, option for objection and removal 

Cookies are stored on the computer of the user and transmitted from such to KGCCI’s website. This is why the user has full control of the use of cookies. By changing his browser’s settings, the user may disable or limit the transmission of cookies. Already stored cookies can be deleted at any time. This can also be done in an automated fashion. If cookies are disabled for KGCCI’s website, it is possible that not all functions of the website may be used to the full extent. 


X. Collection, Use, Provision and Denial of Behavioral Information

  1. Behavioral Information 

KGCCI collects and uses behavioral information to provide data subjects with optimized information on services and campaigns, etc.  

KGCCI allows the following third party to collect and process the users’ behavioral information. 


Method of collection 

Type of information 


Period of retention and use 

Piwik PRO 

Automatically collected when a user visits the website 

Bounce rate, page views, patterns in using website, browser ID, etc. 

Provision of personalized services, etc. 

13 months 

A data subject may block or allow provision of personalized services by changing the cookie settings of the web browser. However, change in cookie settings may affect the use of some services such as automatic login, etc. 

- Blocking / allowance of personalized advertising through web browser settings 



(1) Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 10) 

- Click “Tools” of Internet Explorer and click “Internet Options”.  

- Click “Privacy” tab and “Advanced” and choose to either block or allow cookies.  


(2) Microsoft Edge 

- Click “…” on the top right side and click “Settings”.  

- Click “Privacy and Services” on the left side of the settings page and choose a tracking prevention level in “Tracking Prevention” section.  

- Choose whether to “Always use “Strict” tracking prevention when browsing InPrivate”. 

- Choose whether to “Send “Do Not Track” Request” under the “Privacy” section below.  


(3) Chrome  

- Click “⋮” on the top right side of the browser and click the settings icon.  

- Click “Advanced Settings” at the bottom of the page and click “Contents Settings” in “Privacy” section.  

- Check “Block Third Party Cookies and Site Data”. 


2. Use of cookies 

a) Description and scope of data processing 

In addition, KGCCI uses on its website cookies that enable an analysis of the surfing behavior of users. 

When visiting KGCCI’s website, the users are informed via web banner about the use of cookies for analytical purposes and referred to this data privacy statement. In this context, it is also pointed out how the storing of cookies can be disabled in the browser settings. This service is provided via the Consent Manager of the Piwik PRO Analytics Suite. 

Analysis cookies are used to improve the quality of KGCCI’s website and its content. Through the analysis cookies, KGCCI learns how the website is used and can thus constantly optimize KGCCI’s offer. 

KGCCI uses cookies of the Piwik PRO Analytics: 


_pk_id = Used to recognize visitors and hold their various properties. Expires after 13 months if user consents; expires after 30 minutes if user does not consent. 

_ppms_privacy = Stores visitor’s consent to data collection and usage. Expires after 365 days. 

_pk_ses = Shows an active session of the visitor. Expires after 30 minutes. 

b) Legal basis for the processing of data 

Legal basis for the processing of personal data while using cookies for analytical purposes is Section 6 Subsection 1 lit. a GDPR if the respective consent of the user is on hand. 


c) Purpose of data processing 

The use of analytical cookies also serves to improve the quality of KGCCI’s website and its content. From analytical cookies KGCCI gains knowledge of how the website is used; KGCCI is then able to constantly optimize KGCCI’s services. 

d) Duration of storage, option for objection and removal 

Cookies are stored on the computer of the user and transmitted from such to KGCCI’s website. This is why the user has full control of the use of cookies. By changing his browser’s settings, the user may disable or limit the transmission of cookies. Already stored cookies can be deleted at any time. This can also be done in an automated fashion. If cookies are disabled for KGCCI’s website, it is possible that not all functions of the website may be used to the full extent. 

3. Newsletter 

a) Newsletter tracking 

To optimize its newsletter offer, KGCCI uses personalized newsletter tracking. In this context, besides the email address, KGCCI also collects activities connected to the newsletters (click behavior). 

b) Newsletter - option for objection and removal 

Data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to fulfill the purpose of its collection. The email address of the user is therefore stored for as long as the newsletter subscription is active. 

XI. Destruction of Personal Information

KGCCI destroys personal information without undue delay when the personal information becomes unnecessary, e.g., upon expiration of the period of retention or accomplishment of the purpose of processing, etc. 

If retention of personal information is required under any applicable laws even after expiration of the period of retention or achievement of purpose of collection, etc., KGCCI transfers such personal information to a separate database or to a separate location.  

The procedure and method of destruction of personal information is as follows:  

a) Procedure for destruction 

KGCCI identifies the personal information for which a reason for destruction has occurred and destroys such personal information upon approval from the Privacy Officer Felix Kalkowsky. 

b) Method of destruction  

KGCCI destroys the personal information recorded in the form of electronic files in an irrecoverable manner, and destroys personal information recorded on paper by using a paper shredder or incinerating the paper. 


XII.Rights of Data Subjects and Legal Representatives and Exercise of Rights

A user or a legal representative of a user may at any time demand inspection, correction, deletion, suspension of processing and withdrawal of consent with respect to the personal information of the user himself/herself or the relevant user under 14 years of age. 

To this end, the user or legal representative should contact KGCCI via the telephone number or email address on the website of KGCCI. 

In one of the following cases, KGCCI may refuse the request for inspection, correction or deletion of all or part of the personal information: 

  • If access is prohibited or restricted under the applicable laws; or  

  • If access may cause damage to the life or body of a third party or unjustified infringement of property and other interests of any other person 

Once a user requests correction of errors in personal information, such personal information is not used or provided to a third party until completion of such correction. If the wrong personal information has already been provided to a third party, KGCCI will immediately provide the corrected information to that third party.  

KGCCI processes the personal information that has been deleted or suspended upon request of a user or a legal representative in accordance with “V. Period of retention and use of personal information” and ensures that the information is not inspected or used for any other purposes. 

According to the EU General Data Protection Regulation the user has the following rights: If the user’s personal data is processed, he has to right to obtain information regarding the storage of his personal data (Section 15 GDPR). 

If incorrect personal data is processed, the user has the right to correction of such (Section 16 GDPR). 

If legal requirements are given, the user has the right to request the deletion or limitation of processing, and he has the right to object to such processing (Sections 17, 18 and 21 GDPR). 

If the user has given his consent to data processing or if a contract exists pertaining to data processing and if such data processing is carried out via automated processes, the user has a right to data portability where applicable (Section 20 GDPR). 

Should the user exercise his above-mentioned rights, KGCCI will review whether statutory requirements are met. For appeals pertaining to data privacy laws, the user may contact KISA



XIII. Measures to Secure Safety of Personal Information

In processing personal information, KGCCI takes the following technical and managerial measures to ensure that personal information is not lost, stolen, divulged, forged or damaged.  

  • Establishment and implementation of internal control plans 

KGCCI establishes and implements internal control plans for safe processing of personal information. 

An organization dedicated to data protection identifies whether privacy measures are properly implemented and complied with and takes corrective measures if a problem is detected.  

  • Installation and operation of access control devices 

KGCCI controls unauthorized access from outside by using a firewall system, and endeavors to take other technical measures necessary to ensure security of its systems. 

  • Measures to prevent access records from being forged or falsified 

KGCCI retains and manages the records of access to its data processing system and uses security features to prevent such records from being forged or falsified.  

  • Encryption of personal information  

Personal information of users is protected by passwords, while files or transmitted data are saved and managed through encryption or file lock.  Critical data are protected by separate security features. 

  • Measures to prevent hacking, etc. 

KGCCI uses a vaccine program to prevent damages caused by computer viruses. The vaccine program is updated on a regular basis, and when a virus emerges, it prevents infringement on personal information by providing a vaccine against the virus as soon as the vaccine becomes available.   

KGCCI has adopted an SSL that allows safe transmission of personal information on the network by using encryption algorithms.   

In order to deal with external invasion such as hacking, KGCCI makes every effort, e.g., utilizing firewall or vulnerability analysis system for each server.  

Personal information is separated from general data and kept in a separate server.  

  • Minimization of employees having access to personal information and their training 

KGCCI limits the access to personal information of users to the employees who should inevitably be allowed to access such information to fulfill their duties.  

Regular training is provided to the employees who have access to personal information.  

The computer room and other places where relevant materials are kept are designated as a specially restricted area and are under access control.  

XIV. Privacy Officer / Name and Address of the Data Protection Officer

KGCCI has a designated Privacy Officer who overseas data processing and deals with user complaints and relief as follows / the data protection officer of the controller is: 

  • Privacy Officer 

Name: Felix Kalkowsky 

Telephone number: +82-2-3780-4680 

Title: Vice President 

  • Department in charge of privacy  

Department: KGCCI DEinternational  

Employee in charge: Felix Kalkowsky 

Telephone number: +82-2-37804-680 

XV. Remedies against Infringement of Rights and Interests

In order to seek remedies against infringement on personal information, users may apply for dispute resolution or consulting to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, Personal Information Infringement Call Center of the Korea Internet & Security Agency, etc.  Other privacy infringement issues can be reported to the following agencies:  

  • Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: 1833-6972 (without area code) (

  • Personal Information Infringement Call Center: 118 (without area code) ( 

  • Supreme Prosecutors’ Office: 1301 (without area code) (

  • National Police Agency: 182 (without area code) ( 

KGCCI guarantees the users’ right for self-determination of personal information and endeavors to provide consultation and remedies regarding infringement on personal information. If a report or consultation is required, please contact KGCCI’s Privacy Officer as set forth above. 


XVI. Date of Implementation of the Privacy Policy and Amendments

This Privacy Policy is implemented as of April 1, 2024.  

The previous Privacy Policy can be found at: