구직구인 공고


Hettich Korea: White Goods Sales Manager (우대사항 추가)

기업 소개

헤티히(Hettich)는138년 업력의 독일에서 가장 오래된 가구 소재 및 부품 제조업체로 세계적인 가구 브랜드와 가전제조사를 주요 고객층으로 보유하고 있는 매출규모 2조원의 글로벌 히든 챔피언입니다. 헤티히 코리아는 헤티히의 한국 현지 법인으로 독일 본사의 경영철학인 ‘가구를 위한 기술’을 근간으로 가구전용 하드웨어 토털 솔루션을 국내 주요 인테리어 및 가구업체, 건설사, 가전제조사 등에 제공, 2003년 설립 이래 지속적인 성장을 일궈왔고 그룹 내 핵심 지사로 자리매김하고 있습니다.  

기업 홈페이지: https://web.hettich.com/ko-kr/홈

모집 분야 및 직급: White Goods/백색가전 Sales Manager (대리~차장급)

직무 개요

  • Provide service to key accounts. Plan and coordinate all customer-related advice, development, marketing activities in order to develop with key customers the sales volume and profitability in line with company goals and plans.

주요 업무

  • Achieve annual sales, P&L targets
  • Market observation & cultivation
  • Preparation and negotiation of project business
  • Marketing support
  • Customer management
  • Quotation and price management
  • Delivery management for key accounts
  • Supply in & out management
  • Reducing collection risk

지원 자격 – 기본 요건 및 우대 사항

  • 학력: 대졸 이상
  • 경력: 4년 이상
  • 우대사항: 백색가전 업계의 주요 기업 또는 유관 업무 경력, 특히 L 사 또는 (외국계) 협력사 근무 경력 / 기계, 금속, 재료 또는 전기전자 공학 전공 / 문서작성, 프리젠테이션, 통계분석, 리서치 능숙 / 영어능력 우수자 / 창원, 부산지역 재택 근무 희망자도 지원가능

근무 요건

  • 직급: 대리~차장급
  • 근무지: 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로 (성산동) / 창원, 부산 거주시 재택 가능
  • 근무시간: 주 5일 9~18시

지원 방법

  • 제출서류: 국문 이력서, 영문 이력서, 포트폴리오 각 1부
  • 제출처: hr(at)kgcci.com (헤티히 채용대행사인 KGCCI 앞으로 제출해야 함)
  • 문의처: 02) 3780-4601, hr(at)kgcci.com

Hettich Korea: SCM Assistant Manager

기업 소개

헤티히(Hettich)는138년 업력의 독일에서 가장 오래된 가구 소재 및 부품 제조업체로 세계적인 가구 브랜드와 가전제조사를 주요 고객층으로 보유하고 있는 매출규모 2조원의 글로벌 히든 챔피언입니다. 헤티히 코리아는 헤티히의 한국 현지 법인으로 독일 본사의 경영철학인 ‘가구를 위한 기술’을 근간으로 가구전용 하드웨어 토털 솔루션을 국내 주요 인테리어 및 가구업체, 건설사, 가전제조사 등에 제공, 2003년 설립 이래 지속적인 성장을 일궈왔고 그룹 내 핵심 지사로 자리매김하고 있습니다.  

기업 홈페이지: https://web.hettich.com/ko-kr/홈

모집 분야 및 직급: SCM Assistant Manager (대리급)

직무 개요

  • Primary Role: Ensure customs clearance on time with accuracy of ordered items. (SAP skill is a must.)
  • This position requires highly analytical skill of inventory management and ability to communicate with logistics team and sales team in Korea to maintain optimum level of inventories throughout the year.

주요 업무

  • Import agent management / Customs clearance
  • Internal vendor purchase
  • Inventory control
  • Vendor sourcing & management
  • Material Requirement Plan (MRP) management
  • Goods receipt
  • Logistics management & sales team support
  • Administration of office management tasks
  • Monthly end closings

지원 자격 – 기본 요건 및 우대 사항

  • 학력: 초대졸 이상
  • 경력: 3년 이상
  • 우대사항: 물류, 통관 등 유관업무 경력자, SAP 경험자, 엑셀 활용능력 상급자, 영어 우수자

근무 요건

  • 직급: 대리급
  • 근무지: 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로 (성산동)
  • 근무시간: 주 5일 9~18시

지원 방법

  • 제출서류: 국문 및 영문이력서 각 1부
  • 제출처: hr(at)kgcci.com (헤티히 채용대행사인 KGCCI 앞으로 제출해야 함)
  • 문의처: 02) 3780-4601, hr(at)kgcci.com

Hettich Korea: Technical Sales Manager

기업 소개

헤티히(Hettich)는138년 업력의 독일에서 가장 오래된 가구 소재 및 부품 제조업체로 세계적인 가구 브랜드와 가전제조사를 주요 고객층으로 보유하고 있는 매출규모 2조원의 글로벌 히든 챔피언입니다. 헤티히 코리아는 헤티히의 한국 현지 법인으로 독일 본사의 경영철학인 ‘가구를 위한 기술’을 근간으로 가구전용 하드웨어 토털 솔루션을 국내 주요 인테리어 및 가구업체, 건설사, 가전제조사 등에 제공, 2003년 설립 이래 지속적인 성장을 일궈왔고 그룹 내 핵심 지사로 자리매김하고 있습니다.  

기업 홈페이지: https://web.hettich.com/ko-kr/홈

모집 분야 및 직급: Technical Sales Manager (대리~과장급)

직무 개요

Technical expert in Hettich products and local application (construction of furniture). Expert to assist the employees and the customers in all possible Hettich applications.

주요 업무

  • Technical expert for the Hettich Team
  • Support the customers and advise
  • Ensure technical training
  • Expert in local furniture construction
  • Customers complaint management
  • Showrooms and fairs
  • Key account management

지원 자격 – 기본 요건 및 우대 사항

  • 학력: 대졸 이상
  • 경력: 4년 이상
  • 우대사항:
    • 주요 가구회사, 인테리어사 또는 1군 건설사 경험 등 유관업무 경력
    • 문서작성, 프리젠테이션, 통계분석, 리서치 능숙
    • 영어능력 우수자
    • CAD사용 가능자
    • 운전면허 소지자

근무 요건

  • 직급: 대리~과장급
  • 근무지: 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로 (성산동)
  • 근무시간: 주 5일 9~18시

지원 방법

  • 제출서류: 국문 이력서, 영문 이력서, 포트폴리오 각 1부
  • 제출처: hr(at)kgcci.com (헤티히 채용대행사인 KGCCI 앞으로 제출해야 함)
  • 문의처: 02) 3780-4601, hr(at)kgcci.com

KGCCI DE: Admin & Event Intern (2/2 마감)

KGCCI DEinternational Ltd is looking for an Admin & Event Intern (6-month, extension possible)

Who We Are

The Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI) has been promoting economic relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Korea since its foundation in 1981. With around 500 members from various industries, KGCCI is the second-largest bilateral Chamber in Korea, and our multilingual professionals are engaged in a variety of dynamic projects bridging Korea and Germany. KGCCI is strongly focused on its activities as a membership organization as well as service provider and trade promoter. Moreover, KGCCI is part of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) network, with more than 150 office locations in over 90 countries around the world and is a powerful voice for the German-Korean business community.

Open Position: Admin & Event Intern

Category: Intern (6-month, contract extension possible upon performance review)

Role and Main Responsibilities

  • Support office general administration, including clerical and front desk tasks
  • Support office maintenance (e.g., supplies inventory, vendor management)
  • Support Event team with event organization and administration
  • Support President & CEO with discharge of duties and schedule management (e.g., meetings and travel coordination)
  • Assist KGCCI management with creation & updates of presentations, spreadsheets, and various business documents
  • Report to Event Deputy Director / Executive Assistant to the President & CEO


  • Languages: Korean (native), English (business proficient), German (desirable but not required)
  • Relevant experience for the position desirable but not required
  • Minimum college degree
  • Good administrative skills, ease with MS 365, including Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel & Word
  • Good organizational, communication (verbal, written), and interpersonal skills
  • Efficient multi-tasker, detail-oriented, self-motivated, team player

Application Deadline: Sunday, February 2, 2025

How to Apply

  • Please submit your application (CV & cover letter in English) by email: hr(at)kgcci.com
  • Email title: Application for AdminEventIntern_First Name_Last Name
  • This is a 6-month contract position, with the possibility of extension upon performance review.
  • Please indicate your earliest possible starting date in your application. 
  • For inquiries, contact hr(at)kgcci.com or 02) 3780-4659.

KGCCI DE: Junior Economist (2/2 마감)

KGCCI DEinternational is looking for a committed Junior Economist (Trade and Market Entry Services, Team Industry I)

Who We Are

The Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI) has been serving as an official representative of German Business in Korea since its foundation in 1981. It is the second-largest foreign chamber of commerce in Korea with a growing network of around 500 members. KGCCI also belongs to the global German Chamber Network Abroad (AHK) with 150 German Chamber offices in 93 countries and 50,000 members worldwide. Its umbrella organization is the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) with offices in Berlin and Brussels, serving the 79 Chambers in Germany (IHK) and their 3.6 million German member companies.

As the first point of contact for German and Korean companies exploring business opportunities in each country, KGCCI and its subsidiary KGCCI DEinternational serve as a communication channel and offer professional services to support market entry and expansion. DEinternational’s service portfolio includes trade fair representations, in- and outbound delegation organizations, and market entry services. Within DEinternational, Team Industry I specializes in Automotive, Machinery, Healthcare & Cosmetics, and is looking for a Junior Economist as outlined below.

Open Position: Junior Economist (Industry I)

  • Category: Intern
  • Starting date: Preferably March 4, 2025
  • Duration: 4 months from starting date

Role and Responsibilities

  • Research Korean & German industries, markets, companies
  • Business data update and management
  • Preparation and organization of B2B events and meetings
  • Support tasks for the team & KGCCI (e.g., translation)


  • Languages: Korean (native), English (business proficient), German (desirable but not required)
  • Relevant experience for the position desirable but not required
  • Minimum college degree
  • Good administrative skills, ease with MS 365, including Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel & Word
  • Good organizational, communication (verbal, written), and interpersonal skills
  • Efficient multi-tasker, detail-oriented, self-motivated, team player

Application Deadline: Sunday, February 2, 2025

How to Apply

  • Please submit your application (CV & cover letter in English) by email: hr(at)kgcci.com
  • Email title: Application for Junior Economist_First Name_Last Name
  • For inquiries, contact hr(at)kgcci.com or 02) 3780-4642.

주한독일대사관: Bürosachbearbeiter/in im Referat Wirtschaft

Die Deutsche Botschaft Seoul sucht zur Besetzung im Februar 2025 folgenden Mitarbeiter/ Mitarbeiterinnen für den Bereich Wirtschaft

Bürosachbearbeiter/in im Referat Wirtschaft

Zu den Aufgaben gehört insbesondere die Unterstützung bei Recherchen, der Bearbeitung von Einzelanfragen, Beobachtung von Entwicklungen zu verschiedenen Sachthemen, Betreuung von Delegationen, Organisation von Veranstaltungen und Kontaktpflege im Referat Wirtschaft

Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen sind:

  • Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, sehr gute Koreanisch-kenntnisse; gute Englischkenntnisse
  • sehr gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten mit deutschen, koreanischen und in-ternationalen Kontaktpersonen
  • Bereitschaft zu gelegentlichen Einsätzen außerhalb der regulären Arbeits-zeit
  • Kenntnisse wirtschaftlicher, energie- und klimapolitischer Fragestellungen
  • Abgeschlossenes Studium, möglichst in einer tätigkeitsnahen Fachrichtung
  • einschlägige Berufserfahrung ist wünschenswert
  • Selbstständiges Arbeiten, Eigeninitiative, Flexibilität und Organisationsta-lent
  • Teamgeist
  • gültige Aufenthalts- und Arbeitserlaubnis für die Republik Korea

Die Einstellung erfolgt voraussichtlich zu Mitte Februar.

Evtl. Rückfragen richten Sie bitte telefonisch (02-748-4114) oder per E-Mail an Frau Lee, Eun-sang (vw-s1(at)seou.auswaertiges-amt.de).

Bewerbungen in deutscher Sprache mit Lebenslauf, Motivationsschreiben und Nachweisen zur Ausbildung, Sprachkenntnissen und dem bisherigen beruflichen Werdegang werden bis zum 31.01.2025 ausschließlich per E-Mail erbeten an:


Alle qualifizierten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden dann zu einem schriftlichen Auswahltest und mündlichen Auswahlgespräch eingeladen. Die Einstellung erfolgt zunächst für befristet für 1 Jahr mit 3-monatiger Probezeit.

SmartRay GmbH: Vision Application Engineer - ECCO Unit (Korea)

SmartRay GmbH is hiring a 3D Vision Application Engineer in Korea. 

  • Position: 3D Vision Application Engineer
  • Superior: Sales Manager (Korea)
  • Business Unit: ECCO (Sensors)
  • Location: Korea * SmartRay 한국법인 사무실 위치: 서울시 강남 파르나스 타워

The 3D Vision Application Engineer is the main point of contact for customers, during the pre-sales phase to understand their application requirements and to provide 3D Vision software application support including writing software to provide a tailored solution for the customer. The Engineer will work in collaboration with SmartRay Sales and Product Marketing teams to ensure successful business outcomes. 

Role & Responsibilities

The 3D Vision Application Engineer must apply SmartRay 3D sensor product knowledge and SDK to develop the best application solution for the customer. 

  • Technically qualify new business opportunities in-house, on-site, or online with technical feasibility study on customer samples and recommend the right SmartRay 3D sensor product 
  • Support customers with advanced technical feasibility study by developing GUI or console-based application software provide the best '3D solution consultation' to customers 
  • Develop software code for custom applications based on third party vision-metrology software tools
  • Build relationship and trust with the customer to ensure high-level of customer satisfaction
  • Document and provide customer feedback (product improvement ideas, new feature request, etc) and report to the Business Unit
  • Provide product demonstrations to potential customers
  • Troubleshoot customer issues and help resolve them


  • University degree in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering or comparable qualifications
  • Experience in an Application Engineer role in machine vision and/or metrology industry
  • Minimum 3+ years’ software programming experience of C#, C++ (desirable)
  • Minimum 3+ years’ experience in developing applications based on vision and/or metrology software (e.g. Halcon, VisionPro, Labview etc)
  • Experience of 3D machine vision, ideally experience with 3D laser triangulation (desirable)
  • Native Korean, good knowledge of English (desirable)
  • High customer orientation
  • Positive, proactive approach with can-do attitude
  • Sense of urgency, ability to prioritize and meet deadlines
  • Strong communication and teamwork skills
  • Structured and flexible way of working
  • Willingness to travel (domestic & international)

About SmartRay GmbH

  • SmartRay specialises in 3D sensors for inspection, guidance and measurement that help manufacturing companies improve product quality, guide automation and reduce production costs. By focusing on 3D, SmartRay has built a comprehensive portfolio of products designed to solve a rapidly increasing range of industrial applications. The company's strategy is to combine new technologies with German engineering to create a range of 3D sensors that can be fitted anywhere, are quick to set up and easy to deploy.
  • SmartRay sensors combine laser triangulation with innovative image formation technology to create detailed 3D images that can be processed by any 3rd party vision software. The latest ECCOTM family brings a new design philosophy to the 3D sensor market that delivers high performance, small size, lightweight and stylish packaging. 
  • Based in Munich area, Germany, the company's global coverage is expanding rapidly through a network of distributors and system integrators.

Application Engineer 포지션에 관심 있으시면 다음과 같이 지원하여 주시기 바랍니다.

  • 제출서류: 국문 경력기술서 (필수), 영문 레쥬메 (필수), 영문 커버레터 (선택)
  • 제출처: hr@kgcci.com
  • 문의처: 02) 3780-4601 / hr@kgcci.com 

주한독일상공회의소(KGCCI)는 SmartRay GmbH 리크루팅을 대행하고 있습니다.

SmartRay GmbH: Business Development Manager - JOSY Unit (Korea)

  • 채용 포지션: JOSY Business Development Manager (Korea)
  • 채용 회사: 독일 SmartRay GmbH
  • 소속 부서: JOSY Team
  • 직속 상사: 독일 본사 Global Sales Manager
  • 근무 지역: 한국 * SmartRay 한국법인 사무실 위치: 서울시 강남 파르나스 타워
  • 근무 형태: 국내외 출장 (업무의 50% 차지) 포함 사무실 기반 근무 


  1. Develop new markets and customer bases in sales territory, very specifically within the automotive industry.
  2. Lead the global center of competence for battery inspection / battery industry.
  3. Take on personal responsibility of strategic key accounts in your territory to ensure JOSY solution become an integrated part of the customer's process  
  4. Together with our business partners, focus on building sustainable customer relationships that make our products an integral part of our customer processes.
  5. Develop concrete customer-specific sales strategies with clearly defined goals, which you implement on your own responsibility.
  6. Together with the Global Sales Manager, manage our business partners in all strategic and daily work activities to develop them into long-term partnerships.
  7. Identify the demands of the market and provide competitive benchmarking information for the coordination of long-term product strategy. 
  8. Weekly reporting and rolling forecast to the Global Sales Manager.


  • Degree in engineering or equivalent technical background
  • 3 years’ experience working in complex technical as well as strategic sales (Highly qualified graduates will also have a chance)
  • Sound market knowledge and experience in the (automotive) industry
  • Preferably experience in the field of 3D measurement technology or image processing
  • Very communicative, possess strong network in the aforementioned fields and are constantly expanding this network
  • Native Korean fluency, business level English fluency
  • Basic knowledge of German would be a plus
  • Driving license & willingness to travel up to 50% of the time 
  • Good team spirit and can-do attitude

SmartRay GmbH 소개:

  • SmartRay GmbH는 독일 뮌헨에 본사를 둔 3D 센서 전문 하이테크 기업으로, 산업현장에서 검사, 가이던스, 측정 등에 활용되는 3D 센서를 주력으로 제공하고 있습니다.
  • 독일 엔지니어링 기술을 기반으로 해당 분야 원천기술을 보유하고 있으며, 3D 센서 시장의 개화를 주도하고 있습니다.
  • Core Business로 3D Sensor 사업부(ECCO)와 Weld Inspection 사업부(JOSY) 크게 2가지 사업을 영위하고 있습니다. 독일 및 미국에서는 아우디폭스바겐, BMW, 포르쉐, 크라이슬러, 스텔란티스 등 메이저 자동차 메이커에 3D 용접검사 솔루션을 공급하고 있습니다. 또한 반도체/디스플레이/스마트폰/2차전지 등 다양한 업계 검사장비를 중심으로 3D 센서 비즈니스가 성장하고 있습니다.
  • 공고 포지션을 채용하는 JOSY 부서의 경우, 3D 용접 검사 글로벌 시장 점유율 1위라는 단단한 입지를 바탕으로 스위스/중국 지사 및 10여 개국 파트너사를 통해 글로벌 비즈니스를 전개하고 있으며, 한국 시장공략 가속화를 위해 2023년 한국지사를 설립하였습니다.

SmartRay GmbH JOSY Business Development Manager (Korea) 포지션에 관심 있으시면 다음과 같이 지원하여 주시기 바랍니다.

  • 제출서류: 국문 경력기술서 (필수), 영문 레쥬메 (필수), 영문 커버레터 (선택)
  • 제출처: hr(at)kgcci.com
  • 제출 시 희망 연봉 및 근무 시작일 기재 요망
  • 문의처: 02) 3780-4601 / hr(at)kgcci.com

주한독일상공회의소(KGCCI)는 SmartRay GmbH (JOSY팀) 리크루팅을 대행하고 있습니다.

Armacell Korea: Finance Controller

채용포지션: Finance Controller

채용회사: Armacell Korea

채용형태: 정규직

근무지역: 천안


Armacell Group은 현재 전세계 19개국, 27개의 생산공장에서 3,400여명이 이끌어 나가는 글로벌 기업으로 각 국의 공장에서는 고성능 설비용 단열재 엔지니어드 폼, PET foam core, 차세대 에어로젤블랭킷 등 설비의 효율과 수명을 향상시키고 혁신적이고 기술적인 단열솔루션과 제품을 제공함으로써 프리미엄 브랜드 입지를 강화하여 전 세계적으로 가치를 창출하고 있습니다.

아마쎌코리아(유)는 2011년에 설립된 Armacell 한국지사로 고무발포보온재 제조사업을 하고 있으며 매출액 270억, 사원수 80여명 규모의 회사입니다. 충남 천안시 동남구 성남면에 Plant Office, 경기도 광명에 Sales Office가 위치하고 있습니다.


  • To act as a partner and advisor to the business, operations and supply chain aiming to improve the business, by identifying measures to increase profitability, reduce costs and increase margins/contributions. 
  • Support Management in formulating and implementing Business strategy proactively. 
  • Understand company operations and align communication and policies with it.
  • Work with Business and Operations to prepare the annual budget & quarterly re-forecasts and help in delivery of the same by providing timely feedback. 
  • Ensure timely and accurate monthly, quarterly, annual and ah-hoc reporting to Regional and Corporate teams
  • Assess and monitor set of KPIs for the business and operations and take accountability to improve and achieve them.
  • Ensure that there exists suitable controls in every function/process in the Company. 
  • Create and maintain a robust management information system which covers every aspect of the operations of the company and which provides accurate, timely and consistent input to the management. 
  • Ensure statutory compliance in the areas of taxation, companies act and other economic laws. 
  • Prepare an audit plan for the year and ensure that the audits (Statutory, Tax, Group, and Internal) are completed with the timelines. 
  • Ensure proper planning for tax, filing of returns and handling of assessments. 
  • Ensure that the treasury function is managed for existing operations and plan for future funding needs of the Company 
  • Working capital management; drive for the reduction of working capital across the organization. Ensure timely and efficient collection of debt by bringing in credit control measures, maximizing free cash flow. 
  • To analyze investment proposals for recommending to management and its accounting  
  • To visualize, plan and guide systems and processes for effective deployment of Finance
  • To review and decide on proposals for new projects/initiatives for growth and competitiveness  
  • To support, coordinate & conduct meetings and ensure implementation of decisions taken in the business meetings.
  • To assess, develop/coach the team on emerging domain knowledge needs, implement corporate initiatives for capability building. Identify and groom team for shouldering wider responsibilities.
  • To continuously monitor the rapidly changing needs of the business and influence the team to be competitive. 
  • Uphold the values, ethics and culture of the organization and be an ambassador of the Organization.


  • Over 15 years of experience
  • Fluent in English


VDE Global Services Korea: 통번역가 (독-영-한, 3개월)

VDE Global Services Korea/독일전기전자정보기술자협회 한국지사
[3 개월 단기 독일어/영어/한국어 통번역가 구인]

독일전기전자정보기술자협회 (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik, 이하 VDE)는 이 분야에 관련된 모든 기술과 그 응용 분야에서 혁신을 위한 환경을 개선하고, 최고수준의 기술을 장려하며, 기술에 대한 광범위한 대중적 수용을 촉진하기 위해 일합니다. VDE 는 1893 년에 설립되었고, 본사는 프랑크푸르트에 있으며 베를린과 브뤼셀에 지사가 있습니다. VDE 의 큰 목표 중 하나는 전기 산업의 모든 기술 분야의 전문가와 회의 및 대화를 조직하여 대중 및 정치인과의 대화를 유지하는 것입니다. 브이디이글로벌서비스코리아는 VDE Global Services GmbH 소속이며, VDE 시험·인증소의 100% 자회사이며 한국에서는 VDE 전체 조직의 사업을 지원합니다.

[주요 업무]

  • 독일의 전력정책(전력망 지능화 및 전기차 충전기 포함)및 기술 자료 조사, 번역 및 분석 (독어 <=>영어, 영어 <=> 한글)
  • 정부지원과제 업무 지원

[필요 역량]

  • 상기 직무 관련 (독일어,영어, 한국어) 정보 수집,조사 및 요약/분석 지원
  • Word 및 PPT 활용
  • 독일어 전공자 (Writing 및 Speaking 역량 중상 이상) 및 영어 전공자 우대

[근무 조건]

  • 계약기간 : 3 개월
  • 근무 시간: 오전 9 ~오후 6 시
  • 월급여 : 227 만원 (점심식대포함)
  • 근무지: 서울시 강남구 삼성동
  • 3 개월 계약 후, 쌍방의 동의하에 추가 연장할 수도 있음

영문 및 국문으로 작성하신 커버레터와 이력서(CV) 를 아래 담당자에게 보내주시기 바랍니다.
VDE Global Services Korea / jongim.kwon(at)vde.com / 02-539-1153 

Cetotec GmbH: Sales Representative (Korea)

  • 채용 포지션: Local Sales Representative (Korea)
  • 채용 회사: 독일 Cetotec GmbH (https://www.cetotec.com/)
  • 채용 형태: 위촉직(에이전트, 프리랜서) - Representation on commission basis or as authorized dealer
  • 근무 지역: 한국 

회사 소개 

  • Cetotec is active worldwide in process technology for the fermentation industry with a focus on the vinegar and kombucha industry. We supply technically sophisticated, customized bioreactors from laboratory to industrial scale, components, alcohol measurement systems and reliable and safe process control systems. 
  • Cetotec's particular strength in the field of fermentation is not just based on individual products - rather, it lies in offering a complete system: solutions for all process steps are available here from a single source. Profound know-how in microbiology, biotechnology and mechanical engineering as well as years of research and development work form the basis for understanding fermentation processes. Customers benefit from this experience in the optimization of a wide range of processes, both in vinegar and kombucha fermentation. 
  • Founded in 1996, Cetotec quickly made a name for itself as a supplier to the vinegar industry with an extensive product portfolio.

직무 내용

  • More frequent contact with potential customers 
  • Acquisition of new potential customers
  • Translation work during video conferences between Cetotec management and potential customers in Korea
  • Organization and accompaniment of Cetotec management during visits to potential customers in Korea
  • Assisting with the import of Cetotec products, if the end customer in Korea so wishes
  • Supporting Cetotec technicians during machinery installation, if required

영업 대상

  • Companies involved in the production of vinegar and other fermented beverages. 
  • Most of these companies are already known to us by name and have been visited by us in recent years. However, it has been a few years since our last visit.
  • These potential customers should be contacted by the local sales representative.

자격 요건

  • Native Korean
  • Good knowledge of English (verbal, spoken, reading)
  • Portfolio of contacts in the field of vinegar fermentation & fermented beverage industry
  • Knowledge of import and logistics in Korea for the import of Cetotec products or contact with companies that have such knowledge.
  • 우대사항: Technical knowledge in the field of the products Cetotec manufactures (not essential, our representatives receive technical training)

지원 방법

  • 제출서류: 국문 경력기술서 (필수), 영문 레쥬메 (필수), 영문 커버레터 (선택)
  • 제출처: hr(at)kgcci.com
  • 문의처: 02) 3780-4601 / hr(at)kgcci.com

주한독일상공회의소(KGCCI)는 독일 Cetotec GmbH의 채용을 대행하고 있습니다. 


German / Internship, Entry-Level

Nationalität Deutsch
Wunschposition Internship / Entry-Level
Arbeitserfahrung Nebenjobs in Restaurants und Logistik
Freelance Gigs in Korea
Ausbildung 2021-03 bis 2025-02:
Bachelor of Business Administration
Kyunghee Universität, Seoul

2019-08 bis 2020-06:
Working Holiday in Japan

Sprachkenntnisse Deutsch (Native), English (Business Fluent), Koreanisch (Beginner)
EDV Microsoft MS (Word, Excel, Power Point), Canva

German / Translator, Language Teacher

Nationalität German
Wunschposition Translator, Language Teacher, Tourism manager/guide, Warehouse worker, Forwarding Agent
Arbeitserfahrung CL-Spedition 2012-2020
Sprachenakademie Alex Stuber 2020-2023
Bobgate Lokalization Company 2020 - Ongoing
Cross Cult Entertainment 2024 - Ongoing
Ausbildung Professional Training and Working in a forwarding agency, including warehouse work (5 years+)
Bachelor Degree in Korean Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
Sprachkenntnisse German: Native, English: Fluent, Korean: Advanced/Fluent
EDV Microsoft Office, MemoQ, Trados, LTB

German / Sales, Business Development

Nationalität deutsch
Wunschposition Manager Sales, Business Development oder Recruiting
Arbeitserfahrung Ich verfüge über langjährige Erfahrung als Lead und Fachexpert im B2B Vertrieb und Recruiting.
Ausbildung Master of Arts "General Management"
Sprachkenntnisse Deutsch und Englisch
EDV SAP und MS Office als User

German / Communication Manager, Content Creator

Nationalität German
Wunschposition Communication Manager / External Communication/ Filmmaker / Content Creator
Arbeitserfahrung With ten years of experience as a journalist and filmmaker, I have developed key skills in content production and creative writing. My role encompasses in-depth research, developing a content strategy and a concept for „creative packaging“ are key elements. Being not only a journalist but also a filmmaker, I am responsible for conducting interviews and for producing high quality film and photo material.
My work experience also includes brand marketing and corporate business communication.
I craft clear an impactful messages under tight deadlines, making complex information accessible and ensuring that information reaches a targeted and broad audience.

Besides the creative content, my job also requires strong management and production skills, regarding both national and global level. This includes skills such as project planning, defining timelines and logistics and the technical planning of a project.

Over the years, I have build a strong international network and collaborate closely with experts from governmental and non-governmental organizations from all over the world.
Ausbildung Masters degree in Political Science and in Theatre-, Film-, and Media Studies at Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Sprachkenntnisse German: native, English: fluent (C2), Portuguese: fluent (C1); Spanish: Intermediate (B2); French: Intermediate (B1-B2); Korean: Beginner (A1)
EDV MS Office; Pages; Excel; PowerPoint; Chat GPT; Adobe

German / Policy Analyst, Project Associate

Nationalität German
Wunschposition Policy Analyst, Project Associate, Event Manager, similar positions
Arbeitserfahrung Project and Event Management Intern Centre for European Perspective
August 2024 - September 2024
- Organized and prepared the Bled Stategic Forum
- Edited and proofred the Bled Strategic Times
- Researched for development and reconstruction projects with municipalities in Ukraine

Project Associate Green University Group Passau
December 2018 - March 2024
- Co-organized Sustainability Weeks 2022
- Actively participated in university elections campaigns
- Recruted new member

Project Associate MUN Society Passau
October 2018 - June 2022
- Participated at C´MUN 2022 in Barcelona
- Planned participation at Harvard World MUN 2020 in Tokyo
- Drafted resolutions for different issues
- Negotiated policies in UN simulations
- Researched positions of different states on various issues

Exhibition Management Intern Berliner Forum für Geschichte und Gegenwart
July 2021 - August 2021
- Curated the exhibition “BlackBox Cold War”
- Conducted research to update the exhibtion
Ausbildung Double Degree Master´s in Governance and Public Policy and International Relations, University of Passau, Germany and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2024
Bachelor of Arts in Governance and Public Policy, University of Passau, 2021
Sprachkenntnisse German - Mother Tongue, English - Advanced, Spanish - Intermediate, Chinese (Mandarin) - Basic Knowledge
EDV MS Office, SPSS, MAXQDA, Canva

German / Manager in Digital, IT Systems Development

Nationalität German
Wunschposition Experienced manager specialised in the development of complex digital products and IT systems.
Arbeitserfahrung More than 28 years of IT project experience in renowned German companies and several Industries including Aerospace, Automotive, Banking, Asset Management.
Several years as a Managing Director of an IT Consulting Company.
I am passionate about building reliable, resilient and maintainable products and IT solutions, inspiring my teams and partners with this passion and conveying confidence even in crises.
My wealth of experience in many fields of the IT project business – in technology as well as in processes and methods – provides the basis.
My pragmatism and hands-on mentality give the necessary momentum.
Commitment, sincerity and empathy create credibility with employees, colleagues, customers and superiors.
I enjoy challenging tasks and problems which require me to think outside the box.
Several years of top-notch software engineering in numerous technological settings.

For details see comprehensive CV available from AHK.
Ausbildung MSc (LSE), 2001, London
Sprachkenntnisse German (native language) English (business fluent) Korean (basic knowledge) French (basic knowledge)
EDV Several years of top-notch software engineering in numerous technological settings. For details see comprehensive CV available from AHK.

German / Marketing Manager, Public Relations

Nationalität Deutsch
Wunschposition Marketing Manager; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Arbeitserfahrung - Seit Sep. 2023:
Sales Manager bei einem deutschen Reiseveranstalter

- Juni 2023 bis Sep. 2023:
Praktikum Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei einer politischen Stiftung in Deutschland

- Jan. 2019 bis Feb. 2023:
Marketing Manager bei zwei koreanischen Unternehmen im Tourismus und Medienbereich
Ausbildung Master of International Studies @ Sogang Universität (서강대학교)
Sprachkurs @ Korea Universität (고려대학교)
Austauschsemester @ Universität Osaka
Bachelor of Arts(Politikwissenschaften) @ FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Sprachkenntnisse Deutsch - Muttersprache; Englisch - Verhandlungssicher; Koreanisch - TOPIK Lvl. 4; Japanisch - JLPT N3; Spanisch - Gute Kentnisse
EDV Microsoft Office; MacOs; Adobe Creative Cloud; Word Press; Davinci Resolve;

Swiss-Spanish / Finance, Consulting

Nationalität Schweiz / Spanien
Wunschposition Finanzen | Consulting | Marketing
Arbeitserfahrung EY - Zurich
UBS - Zurich
Oaklins - Zurich
Ausbildung Bachelor of Arts at University of St. Gallen - Business Administration & Finance
Sprachkenntnisse Deutsch, Spanisch, Englisch & Französisch
Nationalität Schweiz / Spanien
Wunschposition Finanzen | Consulting | Marketing
Arbeitserfahrung EY - Zurich
UBS - Zurich
Oaklins - Zurich
Ausbildung Bachelor of Arts at University of St. Gallen - Business Administration & Finance
Sprachkenntnisse Deutsch, Spanisch, Englisch & Französisch

German / kfm. Mitarbeiter, Industriekauffrau

Nationalität deutsch
Wunschposition kfm. Mitarbeiter/Industriekauffrau
Arbeitserfahrung Ich habe 2021 meine Ausbildung zur Industriekauffrau begonnen und erfoglreich 2024 abgeschlossen.
Seitdem bin ich im Vertrieb Export tätig.

Seit 2020 arbeite ich nebenbei auch als Hotelfachfrau.

Dazu habe ich auch viele weitere Praktikas absolviert.
Ausbildung Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Industriekauffrau.
Sprachkenntnisse Deutsch (Muttersprache), Englisch und Koreanisch (seit 1,5 Jahre Unterricht)
EDV gute MS Office Kenntnisse, AS400

German / Junior Global Sales, Marketing

Nationalität German/독일
Wunschposition [Junior] Global Sales, Global Marketing, GHR/ [신입] 해외영업, 해외마케팅, GHR
Arbeitserfahrung I worked part-time at a mall in Germany for 4 years. My responsibilities included sales, managing interns, and overseeing the online shop.

4년 동안 독일 백화점에서 아르바이트를 하며 판매, 인턴 관리, 그리고 온라인 쇼핑몰 관리를 담당했습니다.
Ausbildung Bachelor of Arts in International Studies

국제학전공 (국제학사)
Sprachkenntnisse Korean TOPIK Level 6 [한국어 TOPIK 6급] , English Opic AL [영어 OPIC AL], German [독일어], Spanish and Danish Basic level [스페인어와 덴마크어 초급],
EDV Powerpoint, Word, Excel (Basics)

German / Marketing, Sales

Nationalität German
Wunschposition Marketing, Sales, Projektmanagement, Media
Arbeitserfahrung My experience as CEO of Gaertner Werkzeugbau GmbH has significantly strengthened my project management and leadership abilities. I was responsible for managing complex projects, coordinating teams, and ensuring high-quality work was completed on time and within budget. Through this role, I developed adaptability, optimized workflows, and enhanced my ability to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders, including our main customers EROWA and Schaeffler.

Moreover as a Co-Founder of ELECTRIC elephant, I have played a key role in establishing our DJ brand, from social media marketing to producing original tracks and remixes, building on skills I developed academically. This experience allowed me to master tools like Logic Pro and Adobe CC and to advance my techniques in audio and video production. In addition to performing as a DJ, I oversee technical and creative content production for our social media marketing, creating graphics and high-quality videos for promotional purposes, including drone videography. I additionally hold an EU drone license (A1/A3), which has enabled me to capture impressive video content.

Additionally, during my internship at Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, I gained valuable marketing knowledge. I developed a marketing project for EBGuide, a GUI software, creating a demo application that showcased its 3D capabilities. I also contributed to the UI/UX design of the 2022 VW Amarok interface, improving user experience and functionality.
Ausbildung My journey has always been driven by a passion for creativity and technology, with a particular focus on multimedia and audio production. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Multimedia and Communication from University of Applied Sciences Ansbach in Germany, where I acquired comprehensive skills across various fields such as audio production, video production, graphic design, advertisement and marketing. This academic foundation has equipped me with both the technical and creative expertise to successfully handle diverse projects, ranging from recording and mixing music to video storytelling and visual effects. This expertise makes me a key person in any multimedia project.

My core expertise lies in audio production, particularly in recording, mixing and mastering music. I am skilled in capturing musicians with pristine audio quality and crafting cohesive, high-fidelity mixes. For distribution, I am capable of delivering competitive masters for modern digital platforms, having worked in an AVID Studio Environment during my studies.
With solid experience in photography and video production, I create visually striking videos and have an in-depth understanding of technical aspects, including codecs, color gamuts, and gamma correction. My skills in DaVinci Resolve allow me to bring together compelling storytelling and color grading, while my audio expertise ensures exceptional sound quality for any platform requirements.
Sprachkenntnisse German (Native), English (Proficient/C2), Korean (Intermediate/B1-B2)
EDV ERP, CRM, MS Office, Adobe CC (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, Lightroom), DaVinci Resolve, Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Ableton, CAD, CAM, Unity, Cinema 4D

German / Korea-EU Relations Manager

Nationalität German
Wunschposition Korea-EU Relations Manager (Horizon Europe, Dual Education, Communication)
Arbeitserfahrung I would like to build on my experience in the EU institutions in an intercontinental context:

At the interface between the European Parliament, associations and party committees, I developed positions in policy areas relevant to SMEs, mid-caps and industrial companies. I also monitored the international press and wrote press releases and social media posts communicating policy positions.

Subsequently, I supported the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU in the committee work of the Council formations 'Competitiveness' and 'Education, Youth, Culture and Sport', where I was involved in the coordination of the Horizon Europe research funding program and Europe-wide vocational training.

I am currently volunteering with the Korean European Young Leaders Initiative, facilitating international dialogue on democratic values and work culture.
Ausbildung Master of Public Policy: International Political Economy, International Affairs

B.A. Economics and Law

Exchange student in Taipei: Business administration, Mandarin language
Sprachkenntnisse German (native speaker), English (proficient), French (fluent), Danish (fluent), Mandarin (basic)
EDV MS Office and Copilot, EViews

Korean / Purchasing, Sales

Nationalität Südkorea
Wunschposition Einkauf/Vertriebsinnendienst
Arbeitserfahrung SEKO Trading.,Ltd (Agentur für Bekleidungsproduktion)
Zeitraum: 18. 03. 2013~30. 04. 2024
Ausbildung Ich habe Germanistik an der Gyeong Sang Universität studiert.
Sprachkenntnisse English: OPic (IH) / Deutsch: Test Daf(5/4/3/3)
EDV MOS/Internet

German / Proofreading, Translation

Nationalität German
Wunschposition Proofreading / Translation / Voice Recording
Arbeitserfahrung Virtual Assistant:
Assisting at networking events with photography and videography
Photo & video editing

Proofread German content for AI-engine training
Translated between English and German content
Audio recording verification

Voice Recording:
Voice recording projects for German language institutes
Audiobook recording
CD Recording
Ausbildung University of Bonn: B.A. Asian Studies
Sprachkenntnisse Native German and Turkish, Fluent English, Conversational Korean
EDV Basic

German-British / Marketing, Sales

Nationalität German/British
Wunschposition Marketing | Sales | Project Management
10/2023 – 05/2024
Consultancy Project at University of Lincoln: Creating a market and competitor analysis for a client, giving general and marketing recommendations and presenting the results.

06/2022 – Today
Division Manager Badminton
BSV Hannovera Gleidingen
Administrative Work, Budgeting, Planing of Events and Training

06/2020 – 06/2023
Head of the Board at Junge Union Laatzen
Organisation of Events, Co-Creation of local politics, analytics of political and social key figures and KPIs.

01/2020 – 01/2021
04/2022 – 10/2022
Temporary worker in logistics at Marché International, Hanover Airport
Processing customer orders, Storage of purchases, Accounting.

07/2018 – 08/2018 Temporary worker in location services
SVLFG, Hanover
Viewing and destroying marked files, providing data containers for exchange for the service provider.
Ausbildung 09/2023 – 06/2024
University of Lincoln
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business & Marketing
Grade: First Degree
(Equates to a 4.0 GPA)

09/2021 – 06/2023
Dr. Buhmann Akademie
Completion of a two-year vocational college course as a state-recognized Business Assistant in Foreign
Languages and Correspondence, with focus on International Management and Marketing
Grade: 1.9

08/2012 – 06/2021
Albert-Einstein-Schule Laatzen
Grade 2.1
Sprachkenntnisse Native in German (C2) and English (C2), knowledge of basic Spanish (B1) and currently learning Korean (A1)
EDV Knowledge of Microsoft Office Programs (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Basic knowledge of HTML

Korean / Trade, Logistics

Nationalität Korea, Republic of
Wunschposition Trade, Logistics (Intern/contract) - one year
Arbeitserfahrung NGL Transporation | Logistics Customer Service (Intern) | Los Angeles, CA, United States
Feb 2022 - May 2022
• Coordinated transportation schedules and locations through effective communication with
customers and port authorities. This enhanced the efficiency of transportation processes and
increased customer satisfaction.
• Thoroughly managed container import and export schedules to ensure compliance with
deadlines and maintain smooth transportation processes.
• Utilized Transportation Management System (TMS) to systematically digitize tasks. This
increased transparency in transportation processes and facilitated efficient management of
transportation schedules.
Ausbildung Master's | Yonsei GSIS | Seoul, Republic of Korea
Feb 2024 - present
Bachelor's | Sogang University | Seoul, Republic of Korea
Mar 2017 - Feb 2021
Sprachkenntnisse English-C1 (TOEFL 105), Korean-Native
EDV Microsoft Office, transportation management system (TMS)

Korean / Product Manager

Nationalität South Korea
Wunschposition Product Manager
Arbeitserfahrung Product Manager | Camera-Monitor Systems | Automotive Industry
Camos Europe GmbH
Duration: January 2020 – May 2024
With 4.5 years of experience in the automotive industry, I managed Aftermarket, OEM, and ODM projects for camera-monitor systems, radar, and control units, supporting commercial and recreational vehicles such as trucks, buses, refrigerated vehicles, and motorhomes.
Key Responsibilities and Achievements:
• Product & Project Management: Led Aftermarket/OEM/ODM projects between Korean manufacturers and European clients, generating over €1 million with a primary client and managing additional projects across Europe. This involved visiting clients and suppliers to ensure successful project completion and attending trade shows to stay informed on industry trends, competitor products, and strategies. Utilized strong communication and problem-solving skills to ensure success.
• Stakeholder Engagement: Maintained proactive communication with executives, teams, suppliers, and clients to align projects and resolve issues, emphasizing effective B2B collaboration.
• Product Categorization and Documentation: Organized technical classification of new products and managed specifications, labels, and certifications using Microsoft Office tools, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
• Quality and Compliance: Collaborated with the quality team to secure CE, FCC, E-MARK, and UKCA certifications, ensuring all products met regulatory standards.
• ERP System Migration: Participated in transitioning from Lexware ERP to cloud-based Haufe ERP, enhancing product registration and document management within product management.
• Hardware and Software Development: Supported development projects for cameras, radar systems, automotive hardware, and security applications, aligning product specifications with project goals through technical insight.
Ausbildung Education
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Gachon University, Seongnam, South Korea
Graduated: February 2015

Additional Training
Digital Analyst: SEM Manager & Web Analyst
GFN GmbH, Germany
Duration: August 2024 – October 2024
Exam conducted at Webmasters Europe E.V.

E-Commerce Manager
GFN GmbH, Germany
Duration: June 2024 – August 2024
Sprachkenntnisse Korean: Native, German: Upper-Intermediate (B2), English: Intermediate
EDV Microsoft Office 365: Upper-Intermediate, ERP Lexware Office: Intermediate, ERP Haufe X360: Intermediate, Google Analytics 4: Basic Knowledge, Google Ads: Basic Knowledge, Google Tag Manager: Basic Knowledge

German-Nigerian / Account Management, Business Development

Nationalität German/Nigerian
Wunschposition Operations / Account Management / Business Development
Arbeitserfahrung Currently: Head of Operations @ powernovo
Teamlead Account Management @ Enpal
- Disciplinary and organizational management, training and promotion of 8 employees
- Responsibility for achieving weekly and monthly targets
- Onboarding / recruitment of new employees
- Monitoring of the KPIs
- Process optimization and introduction
- Disposition: route optimization and regional utilization
- Project management Logistics OTIFF
- Retention: Customer recovery
Customer Success Manager (07 / 2021 - 10 / 2022)
- Onboarding of new customers & accompanying by the min. 8 week assembly process (portfolio size 150 - 200 customers)
- Customer support and commitment
- Construction tests according to DIN standard
- Complaint management
- Cross-departmental cooperation with all internal departments

Head of Sales Administration
Berliner Kaffeeerösterei Giest & Companon Produktions & Sales GmbH
- Customer Service and Communication / Telephone - -Customer Service (B2B and B2C) Inside Sales, Sales Promotion
Purchasing / extension of assortment
Customers, Outside Sales Rep. and internal staff
Preparation of offers and processing of orders from receipt/processing to invoicing
Key Account Management „Business Clients" (Single Trade, Business, Office, Company, ...)
Creation of service plans
Integration of new employees
Disciplinary management of at least 20 employees
Explanation and allocation of responsibilities
Holiday planning and approval, organizational and personnel management
Optimization and digitization (EDI) of processes and definition and implementation of new workflows
Market research and target group definition
Monthly and annual financial statements
Quality and Complaints Management
maintenance of contact with
, Private customers and suppliers

Junior Account and Social Media Manager
Havelcom Concept (Märrkische Allgemeine Zeitung)
Customer service and communication
New customer acquisition / sales promotion
==References== Customers and internal/external staff
Product development
Creation of offers circuit of job advertisements (social media and print) creation of "image video" as
Digital job description
Development of concepts and strategies (focus: Social Media) Media Design
Ausbildung BSc. Chemistry
Sprachkenntnisse German (native), English (native), Yoruba (native), Spanish (B1), Korean (Topik 1)
EDV SalesForce, Airtable, Tableau, ELO, Microsoft BC, MS Office (PPT, Word, Excel, Teams, Office), Adobe Photoshop, Zendesk, Selectline, Spendesk, Gastromatic, JIRA, Miro, CultureAMP, SAP

German / Intern, Entry

Nationalität German
Wunschposition Intern/ Entry
Arbeitserfahrung PwC Germany: IT Consulting
- Working Student: November 2024 - (ongoing)
- Internship: July 2024 - October 2024
- Tasks: Cloud Computing, IT Strategy, Open Source Licensing

University of Munich (LMU): Social Data Science and AI Lab
- Research Assistant: October 2022 - (ongoing)
- Tasks: Data Analysis, Programming in R, Python, Research on Machine Learning and AI, Web Development in HTML
Ausbildung Technical University of Munich (TUM)
- Bachelor of Science, Political Science: October 2021 - February 2025
- Specialization: Data and Computer Science, Data Analysis
- Grade: 93.8/100

Yonsei University, Seoul
- Politics and Diplomacy, September 2023 - July 2024
- Courses in: Applied Data Analysis, Korean Language
Sprachkenntnisse German (Native), English (TOEFL C2), Korean (TOPIK Level 4), Italian (B1.2/ Intermediate), French (B1.2/ Intermediate)
EDV Programming: R, Python, HTML | IT: Excel, MS-Office | Expertise: Cloud Computing, Data Analysis, Website Building

German / Internship

Nationalität German
Wunschposition Internship within the field of Governmental Affairs starting from April / May 2025
Arbeitserfahrung 09 / 2024 - today: Sustainability Manager, Ritterwand GmbH & Co. KG Metall-Systembau
04 / 2024 - 07 / 2024: Program Assistant, Federal Foreign Office of Germany, !-DA, International Diplomats Program
01 / 2024 - 04 / 2024: Internship at the Ministry of Transport Baden Württemberg
04 / 2023 - 07 / 2023: Tutor within the lecture "Introduction to Comparative Politics", University of Konstanz
10 / 2022 - 02 / 2023: Tutor within the lecture "Budgeting and Finances", University of Konstanz
08 / 2021 - 09 / 2021: Purchasing Assistant at Ritterwand GmbH & Co. KG Metall-Systembau
Ausbildung ongoing: BA Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz (current grade average: 1.1)
-> 10 / 2024 - 03 / 2025: Academic Seminar on China
-> 10 / 2024: Student Conference on Security Policies in Space
-> 08 / 2023 - 12 / 2023: Ewha Womans University, Seoul

2013 - 2021: High-School and German Abitur (grade average: 1.0)
Sprachkenntnisse German (mother-tongue) / English (C2) / French (B1) / Korean (A1 / A2)
EDV Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, "R" statistics