Online event
PowerCo Virtual Career Fair
Online event
Free of charge
12.12.2022 · 16:00
12.12.2022 · 19:00

PowerCo Virtual Career Fair 

Sign up for our Virtual Career Fair with PowerCo on December 12-13, 2022. It will take place online on the metaverse. 

This event is a great informational opportunity for those seeking to jump start their careers on the global stage with a German industrial powerhouse. When you sign up, you will get the chance to hear directly from PowerCo executives on their visions and outlook for the company, and to engage with the technical department professionals. 

All you need to participate is to share your email address and name. You will receive the metaverse access details afterwards. If you would like to schedule 1:1 meetings with PowerCo on Day 2 (Dec 13), kindly share additional information at registration.   

*UPDATE: As of Dec. 5, all time slots for 1:1 meetings on Day 2 (Dec. 13) are booked out. If you select this option on registration, you will be placed on a waiting list and might be contacted by the organizers at a later stage. Also, you still have the chance to talk to the HR department at the networking session at the end of Day 1 (Dec. 12).

Register Here (Click me!)



  • DATE: December 12 (Mon) -13 (Tue), 2022 
  • TIME: 16:00 - 19:00 (KST)
  • VENUE: (It is password protecteded until 15 minutes before the event. We highly advise you to use Google Chrome as your browser. This link works both on the PC and mobile.)
  • LANGUAGES: English (CTO Soonho Ahn will give his speech in Korean)
    • Welcoming remarks by H.E. Michael Reiffenstuel, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Korea
    • Chief Technology Officer Soonho Ahn will open the Day 1 event.
    • Chief Operations Officer Sebastian Wolf will share insights, presenting the company's scope.
    • Two presentations by the Technology and Operations department will provide a deep dive into battery development and series production of battery cells.
    • PowerCo experts from the HR department will be available for a Q&A session with participants.
    • On Day 2, one-on-one 'Get to know' talks with PowerCo will take place for those who choose the option at registration.

*UPDATE: As of Dec. 5, all time slots for 1:1 meetings on Day 2 (Dec. 13) are booked out. If you select this option on registration, you will be placed on a waiting list and might be contacted by the organizers at a later stage. 


About PowerCo

Volkswagen established PowerCo to consolidate activities along the value chain for batteries – from processing raw materials to developing a unified Volkswagen battery and managing the European Gigafactories. The company’s scope will include new business models based around reusing discarded car batteries and recycling the valuable raw materials they contain.   

The Group is thus creating efficient and future-proof structures for the rapidly growing battery business. As part of its NEW AUTO strategy, the Volkswagen Group is aiming to become the world’s leading manufacturer of electric vehicles. To this end, it is expanding its battery-related activities and making these into one of its core competencies. 

About PowerCo's Factory & Products 

PowerCo will produce a unified cell – a cell, which is designed to fit all Volkswagen Group models. Depending on the vehicle, the unified cell will either contain iron phosphate and high manganese for volume or high nickel for premium. 
PowerCo’s headquarters and the first of our international gigafactories is in Salzgitter, Germany. From 2025 to 2030, PowerCo will launch one new gigafactory every year. Each factory will have a maximum capacity of 40 GWh, enabling PowerCo to produce 240 GWh per year by 2030. The roll out of our unified cell is planned for 2025, with ramp up until 2030. From that point on we will use one standardized cell, rather than several different ones, in up to 80 % of the Volkswagen AG models. 

Further Background Information

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