Wirtschaftsmagazin KORUM
Unser Wirtschaftsmagazin KORUM berichtet neben den Aktivitäten der AHK Korea über die wichtigsten Themen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft sowie aktuelle Trends. Das Magazin erscheint quartalsweise und ist kostenfrei verfügbar. Bleiben Sie up to date!
Aktuell: From Seoul to Berlin: Rise of Korean-German Startups
Cover Story
- Building the Future of Work: Upstage’s End-to-End AI Solutions for Smarter Enterprises
- From Innovation to Impact: How Medipixel is Shaping the Future of Medical AI
- Petnow: Revolutionizing Pet Identification with AI
Markets & Trends
South Korea Braces for Slower Growth
North Korea
Small Enterprises in North Korea’s Hybrid Economy – Roadside Stalls, Frog Markets and the Emerging Service Sector
Coffee Break with Decision Makers in Korea
Invest Korea Commissioner Tae Hyung Kim
KGCCI Member's Spotlight
- New Members
- Inspiring CSR
Inside KGCCI
· Taking A Closer Look at Our Member Companies
· Inside KGCCI