Interview: Kim Sang-kyung, Head of the Korea Institute of International Finance and 'Godmother' of Female Financiers


Interview: Kim Sang-kyung, Head of the Korea Institute of International Finance and 'Godmother' of Female Financiers

Kim Sang-kyung, a core mentor of the KGCCI WIR Mentorship and Head of the Korea Institute of International Finance, was featured in the 'Power Woman' interview of the June issue of Insight Korea magazine. Known as the 'godmother of female financiers,' Kim Sang-kyung launched the Women's Finance Network (WFN) in 2003, with the ambition of creating a better world for women in the finance sector, which had a thick 'glass ceiling.'

Kim Sang-kyung conveyed to young female professionals, "You must believe in your abilities and passion. You can overcome any challenge and pursue your goals with confidence. Additionally, it is important to support younger women through mentoring, build your own network, and draw inspiration and learning from the great female leaders around you. Women's roles are crucial in changing the world."

Click HERE to listen to the full interview.