Become a Member

Membership Benefits

Building a larger and powerful network

As a member of KGCCI, you will become part of a large network with 130 German Chambers of Commerce abroad in over 90 countries, with around 400 corporate members and 100 associate / individual / honorary members. With over 50 events a year, you have numerous opportunities to meet experts from multinational companies and entrepreneurs. Be our guest when we invite you for a variety of events to further promote the Korean-German community.

Always be up to date

More than 40 years of experience and a large number of different networks, KGCCI is a well-founded source of information for Korean-German businesses. We offer numerous seminars, workshops, exhibitions and economic events in a variety of areas, including leading global corporations, legal entities, financial corporations in and from Korea, government institutions, and other influential individuals. All members are encouraged to share news and mutually support each other.

In addition, KGCCI publishes weekly, monthly and yearly publications providing up-to-date information on recent economic trends, trade issues and professional insights into various areas.

Take the opportunity and stay up to date with exclusive information from industry experts, top politicians, leading scientists and inspirational figures. 

Representation of interests

As the official link between the Korean and German governments and the Korean-German business world, KGCCI represents your interests towards governmental organizations. Through close communication with the Korean government, KGCCI promotes cooperation at the highest level as a representative of German companies in Korea. KGCCI ensures that your interest is represented in the decision-making process.

All-round support

In order to deal better with the increasing demand of its members, the service subsidiary KGGCI DEinternational was founded in 2004. DEinternational was presented in 2004 for the first time as a brand of the worldwide German Chambers of Commerce Abroad. A wide range of services in the areas of market access and expansion for German and local companies are thereby offered.

Our services include: Market analysis, business partner search, events, tax issues, translations and interpretations, business premises in Korea and much more.

Furthermore, KGCCI represents more than 30 trade fairs in Germany where our members receive full support as exhibitors and visitors. With over 20 bilingual full-time employees, KGCCI acts as a contact point for various issues in the business world.

We promote your business

With its wide range of events, publications and a large network in the business world, KGCCI offers you the opportunity to promote your company efficiently and effectively. With the help of advertising and sponsoring you can bring your company closer to the global business world through our homepage, events, publications, and various social media channels. Marketing and promotion events can also be organized on request.

Furthermore, all KGCCI members are featured in our annual KGCCI Membership Directory, which is one of the most popular publications of KGCCI with a large circulation. It is distributed to all members, relevant ministries, associations, chambers, government agencies, foyers and interested companies in Korea and Germany.

Advertising options: Sponsoring our events, advertising in our print media (KORUM, membership directory, AUMA trade fair guide), online advertising (banner on KGCCI homepage, weekly e-newsletter, email signature).

Our membership

  • Corporate
  • Associate
  • Individual


Type Price
Corporate Members in Korea / up to 50 employees KRW 920,000
Corporate Members in Korea / 51-299 employees KRW 1,730,000
Corporate Members in Korea / 300-499 employees KRW 2,420,000
Corporate Members in Korea / over 500 employees KRW 2,770,000
Corporate Members in Germany / Abroad        EUR 770



Companies or organizations in Korea/Germany or any other Asian Countries with interest in German-Korean economic relations.

One representative of the company or organization shall be KGCCIs first contact person who will receive one voting right at the Annual General Meeting,

be listed in the membership directory, have access to KGCCI services, seminars and events and receive KGCCI newsletters and publications (KORUM).

Additional contact person:

A Corporate Member company is eligible to assign their employees as Additional Contact Person.

The Additional Contact Person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Member first contact person except for voting rights.

Join KGCCI Membership


Type Price
In Korea KRW 290,000
In Germany / Abroad EUR 220



Governmental and semi-governmental institutions, foundations, universities, associations, societies, unions etc.

One representative of the institution shall be KGCCIs first contact person who be listed in the membership directory, 

have access to KGCCI services, seminars and events and receive KGCCI newsletters and publications (KGCCI).


Additional contact person:

An Associate Member company is eligible to assign their employees as Additional Contact Person. 

The Additional Contact Person will enjoy all benefits of an Associate Member first contact person.


Join KGCCI Membership


Type Price
In Korea               KRW 290,000
In Germany / Abroad EUR 220



Natural persons with Korean-German interest may apply for an Individual Membership.

Individual Members will have access to KGCCI services, seminars and events and receive KGCCI newsletter and publications (KORUM).

Join KGCCI Membership